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Nico walks down from the stage and heads towards changing room. "Good job." She looks at her manager. She smiles. "I am the number 1 idol," said Nico with smile. "It just makes me wonder. In your biography, you mention the 10th member of Muse when only 9 performed on stage. Your fans wondered about it so I ask you," said the manager. She smiles. "You seen Muse performed as 9 people but the 10th made everything happen. He is the kind of person that always plan ahead and make sure every performance are the best. After we were disband, he helped another school idol, Aqours to be as same level as Muse. You can say he is our best and most treasures friend," said Nico. "You can bring him for your next show," said the manager. She shakes her head. "He doesn't like publicities, the reason why he handled backstage," said Nico. "It is interesting when the 10th member of girl school idol group happens to be a male," said the manager. "Yeah despite him being a pain in a butt, he is someone you trust him with everything," said Nico.

At the apartment, Taichi sneezes. "That shortie mentions about me," said Taichi. "Well, you helped her so much at the beginning of her career," said Eli. "I wonder if you decide continue being an idol," said Nozomi. "My idol life ended long ago. I am what I am now," said Taichi. "I know. You mention about the reason when Ruby finds out about it," said Dia. Eli and Nozomi look at Taichi that sweatdrops. "Why we never heard about this?" asked Eli. "Well you weren't there when Ruby asked," said Taichi. Nozomi makes an evil smile. "Oh, I remember I have a meeting with my father," said Dia as she stands up but Taichi grabs her waist, causing her to yell "pigi." "You bring me into this mess, you bring me out of it," said Taichi.

The next day, Nico scrolls her smartphone, looking at the comment. The manager walks in. "We have a problem. We didn't get the slot for incoming interview," said the manager. Nico shocks. "Did you send the letter asking for that slot?" asked Nico. "I did but the slot is almost full," said the manager. The raven haired sighs. "It is kinda hard to get that slot on the famous TV station," said Nico. "What should we do?" asked the manager. "Let's try on another TV station," said Nico. The manager nods.

Eli and Nozomi shock. Dia puts her face on his chest. "That's horrible," said Maki. "I never knew they were like that," said Eli. "Yeah but it is all in the past," said Taichi, still hugging Dia's waist. Mari walks in. "I have a letter for Nico Yazawa. I don't know why it was send here," said Mari. Taichi smiles as he stands up and picks the letter. "I'll send the letter towards the shortie," said Taichi as he walks out.

At the famous TV station, Nico and the manager stand in front of the staff. "I'm sorry but everything is full. We just waiting for the final interview," said the staff. "She is already here. The letter just been sent to wrong address." They look at Taichi that walk in and gives the letter towards the staff. The staff opens the letter and read it. "You must be Nico Yazawa. Please follow me," said the staff as he walks away as Nico and her manager follow him. Taichi smiles as he walks away.

Eli, Nozomi, Dia, Maki and Mari look at the television. Taichi walks in and sits beside Dia. "Done?" asked Dia. "Yup. She will be in the show later on," said Taichi. "Expected from the 10th member of Muse and Aqours. Always prepare ahead of time," said Mari. "That's why Tsubasa wants you to be A-Rise manager," said Eli. "Yeah but I turned her down. Too busy with the military," said Taichi. "Yeah, you always busy with your job and at the same time spending your time with us," said Dia. "I always try my best to spend time with you girls," said Taichi. "And we appreciate you for that. Even through we need to share you," said Eli. 

At the TV station, Nico sits on the chair. "Miss Yazawa, who do you owe your success to?" asked the interviewer. Nico smiles. "I owe this to the 10th member of both Muse and Aqours. Since high school, he always find a way to make us well known and help us win Love Live. After Muse was disbanded and I became solo idol, he helps me on composers and lyrics to make me where I am now. If he continues on being an idol, he will be as same level as Frouze," said Nico. 

Love Live Sunshine my versionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora