Tell Her The Truth

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Fourth year. The year that determines my future as a fairy tale prince. I have to step up my game. Be better than what I am. I can't let anything distract me, except maybe one thing... I know that Rose takes up too much of my head space. But I also know that if I try to do something about it, that'll end up using all of my head space. I thought that telling Astoria would make things easier, but it certainly didn't. Instead, I landed myself in the capital of 'good advice.' It certainly made the situation worse when Astoria began nagging me to tell Rose how I feel. I mean, I know that it's been four years, but I'm just too scared. What if there's someone else on Earth?

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" The sound of a princess screaming made me snap out of it. I saw that a princess had an enchanted table coming after her. "Snow Magic!" I froze the table before shooting the princess a wink, and immediately regretting it. Why was I sending that poor girl false signs? There was only one girl for me, and that was Rose. Amazing, heroic, creative Rose. "Tell her the truth," flashed Astoria's voice. Should I? Or should I not? Just as I was thinking about all this, a plan began to take shape in my head. 

I hurried to the entrance ceremony, my plan clear in my head. If I wanted this year to be amazing, I had to tell Rose how I felt today. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about it so much, and I'd know where we stood. Also, it would lead to things being less awkward around her. However, there was one thing that I had to do before that. Carefully avoiding my team, I made my way over to Roses' mother. "Hello Hawk," she said. "Hello Professor Cinderella," I replied. "Oh please, just call me... actually, I'm not sure what you should call me. Never mind. Is there something you need to talk to me about?" she questioned. "I... actually wanted to ask you about Rose." I blurted, looking down at my feet.

 "What about Rose?" asked Prof. Cinderella. "Well... is she..." I couldn't bring myself to ask. "She shakes that snow globe you gave her every night and talks about you a lot," said Prof. Cinderella. She was smirking. "Go for it, Hawk," she whispered. "Th-thanks," I stammered, before running off to find my friends. It would soon be time for phase two of my plan, but for now, I was going to enjoy being this way with Rose. 

"Hawk, where were you?" Travis asked. "I was just checking on something with someone." I replied. "I'm totally not suspicious right now," muttered Travis. I realised that Travis was like a brother to Rose. What if he got overprotective? I would have to just wait and see. "Welcome back to Regal Academy," began Headmistress Cinderella. " You will continue to learn more about your magic with the help of your teachers this year. In addition, all fourth year students will undergo the Never Tests to determine their fairy tale future." I shuddered at the name of the Never Tests. Each team was sent to Neverland for a series of rigorous tests conducted by Peter Pan and his Lost Boys, which was really quite ironic if you thought about it. A test for your adulthood conducted by those who were to stay forever young. 

 "In addition to the Never Tests, all of the fourth years will spend five nights in Regal Duty Experience, during which time they must remain in the fairy tale land under all circumstances. Each fourth year will be sent to a random fairy tale location every night to study and put into practice the customs, traditions and methods of the people of the location. When the five nights have come to an end, each student will be given a week to prepare for the InterPalatial Experience Test, in which their knowledge of the cultures of the people that they have studied will be tested through a series of physical, mental and psychological challenges." Headmistress Cinderella paused dramatically. "However, it will not be all study and grades. At the end of the year, the Cinderella Family Ball will be held in the honour of our fourth years to wish them luck in their fairy tale future-and of course, the Entrance Gala will commence this afternoon. Once again, welcome back to our fourth years!"

Headmistress Cinderella stepped down to roaring applause. As the applause died down, the hubbub of excited voices filled the newly constructed Heroes' Hall, a hall in the academy that was built in our honour. The Entrance Gala would be the perfect place for phase two of my plan. I walked up to Rose. "Hey Hawk," she said. "Hey Rose," I began, "Do you want to go to the Entrance Gala with me?" Butterflies rose in my stomach. "Sure!" Rose replied. "See you then!"

Will Hawk be able to carry out phase two of his plan-or will his nerves get the better of him? Find out in the next chapter!

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