The Perfect Accomplice

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I felt myself thrown to the ground, the blue fog clearing to reveal a room level with the clouds. I blinked rapidly, trying to work out where I was and who had set me free. Was this yet another jail? I sighed, placing myself in a chair and looking at the hemispherical window. Sunlight washed over me, making me feel warm and cozy. I curled up in the chair, unable to let go of the amazing warmth of the sun shining right down on me. "-He couldn't see us, that's why he ignored us-" I turned to the voices. "No, he's brainwashed!" Hawk. Rose. They'd... saved me. I was out of that dark, dreadful void thanks to them. "It's me, you guys! Travis!" Hawk and Rose ran toward me. encasing me in a hug. "I thought you were gone, Travis-I'm so sorry for surprising you by giving Rose that ring-" I looked at Hawk. "Why did you, though?" Hawk sughed, looking down at his feet.

"You know I'm not as smart as Astoria-I didn't know about... well, the other stuff the ring did. Only thing I knew was that if we both had a ring connected to each other, we couldn't die at all unless we died together." Realization dawned on me. Hawk was trying to protect Rose. He loved her that much. "Wow. I'm sorry, Hawk," I whispered. Hawk patted my back. "It's all good." I smiled at Hawk. "I'm sorry, but we do still have to save the world.." I turned to Rose. "Oh, Rose! Thank god you're okay!" Rose hugged me again. "Of course I'm okay! I just need you to tell me how exactly you got here." I remembered the day everything had gone wrong. With a sigh, I looked back at Hawk and Rose. "You're going to want to sit down for this."

"I remember the scene at the cafe," I began. "I lost my temper and... I think I roared, after which I found myself facing a white-haired girl. I was in a dungeon-so much was made clear by the bars surrounding me and the padlock in the girls' hand. The girl... she said something about committing a crime with 'the perfect accomplice' before leaving me locked in that dungeon. My powers were gone, and I was starved by my captor. It was a week later that I noticed a trapdoor above my head. I used every last fiber of my strength to crack that trapdoor open, and it led me into a room with a vast open space and a cauldron on a counter top. There was a staircase in the corner-I think there was a tree near it-that led up to comfortable sleeping quarters.

"I lived off whatever birds I happened to spear as they were flying past the windows. I cooked them in the oven. Ate them. and I slept in the bedroom I'm sure you would've passed. My magic slowly returned alongside my strength. When I was strong enough to cast a spell, I enchanted the mirror in the bedroom to take me to any destination I pleased. I was able to eat proper meals again and find out what was going on. I gathered information on the so-called 'Beast' and the white-haired girl who'd captured me. I found out about how my roar had, well, disrupted things to say the least-and I gathered information on The Beast and the girl. The Beast is Travis Falcon. He was a peasant boy back when things were normal. He was known for his good looks and amazing strength, which is why the people of his town dubbed him 'The Beast.' 

"The girl... turned out to be a witch. She was known for spells involving.. well, I'd like to put it as change, but I don't know how to explain it. Say that all the occurrences in the world were painted on canvases, be they in the past, present or future. The witch had the power to repaint those occurrences. She could bend events to her will. That's why the world reversed and history was rewritten. She did it." Rose seemed shocked, to say the least. "But what did the witch have to do with Travis Falcon?" I laughed slightly. "That's what I asked myself as well. So I went and did some more research. And I found out that the witch also specialized in mind-control spells. Travis 'The Beast' Falcon was her perfect accomplice-brainwashed, good-looking, strong, and with such a similar namesake to my own."

Hawk cleared his throat. "But... why would the witch do any of this?" I looked down at my feet. "I'm not sure, but I suspect it has something to do with how her mother was taken from her. You see, the witch's mother was born into a Regal lineage-one with magic. So when her parents discovered she possessed no magical abilities whatsoever, they disowned her, leaving her to fend for herself. She fled to the Commoner's Land, where she started working for richer Commoners as a maid. She fell for Adrian Rozette, a young man belonging to the Commoner Lord's family. Adrian fell for her too, and wished to marry her. However, his parents disapproved, which made the witch's mother and Adrian elope and give birth to our witch friend. Reilyn, who possessed magical abilities."

Rose nodded. "So how exactly did Reilyn's mother get taken away from her?" I looked down. "You see, the Commoner Lord sent out search parties for his son. Eventually, Adrian and Reilyn's mother were found, and 7 year old Reilyn was left to fend for herself. It is unclear what happened to Reilyn's parents, but rumor has it they were executed. I think Reilyn did what she did to get revenge on the Regals. After all, if her mother's parents hadn't thrown her mother out, Reilyn wouldn't have been left alone and her mother wouldn't have been seized. I think she wanted to punish us all. Teach us a lesson, perhaps. Maybe she wanted to give the peasants a taste of the higher life. But Hawk, after what you've told me about this ring, I think we can come up with a definite answer. Where did you get it?" Hawk shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "A pawn shop near the Academy. It was a white-haired girl who sold it to me." I looked up grimly. "I suppose Reilyn sold it to you, knowing I would get angry upon seeing you give it to Rose-angry enough for her to carry out her plan."

Rose stood, looking determined. "Let's go end her."

Now that Travis has revealed some essential information to both Hawk and Rose, will they be able to end this nightmare for good? Where is Reilyn? And how will Travis, Hawk, Rose and the Council take her down? Find out in the next chapter of Shattered!

And that's it for this chapter! Thank you so much for getting Shattered to 1.2K reads-it really means a lot! I hope you're enjoying the story-please leave comments down below about your theories, questions, or anything, really.... I can give you a hint or tell you which chapter the answer is in. If anything confuses you about the plot, please feel free to ask about it! Once again, please follow me for new stories, announcements and exclusives that are bound  to keep you from getting bored during this time period. Stay happy, safe and healthy,

WatchMeWhip13, your author

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