Special Announcement

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To all of my readers,

A HUGE thank you for getting us to 327 reads! I hope you've enjoyed reading Shattered so far, since I've certainly enjoyed writing it for you all. Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger last chapter... It won't happen in the next one! Quick overview of last chapter: Travis has snapped and turned into a beast, and Hawk is unconscious, possibly dead. Not a great ending to Hase's first date. If you all have any theories for what will come next, feel free to share them in the comments down below. I'll give the person with the closest answer a shoutout in Chapter 14, so stay tuned for that. 

Now, onto my special announcement. I have decided to include one of your Regal Academy OCs or favourite characters from other books and TV shows at some point in this story. Want your character in the spotlight? Just read all ten completed chapters of the book (I'm hoping you've all done that), vote on each one, and leave a comment down below about your OC or character, saying their name and TV show or book if that apples to you. Hopefully, I'll be able to add the winning OC or character in Chapter 16 or 17, so get your comments in before next Friday. 

I'll use a random spinner to draw out one name, which you will see in one of the above chapters. The person to have entered the OC or character will also get a shoutout-and be followed by me! So get cracking and enter your character for a shot at having all of these other readers hear about your OC! 

Happy Reading,


Shattered-Season 4 of Regal AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now