Chapter 1

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Hi there! MrsZeroKiryu here, this'll be my first yaoi ACTUAL story. There won't be any.... yeah 0-0' If there is, I'll write an extra little short for it, but not in the series, and I'll note it and put the name of the short. But there will be simple things like kissing and hold hands :P

If you don't like yaoi (boyxboy) than simply don't read...? I'd still appreciate it though :3

Enjoy my writing, I'll do my best to edit, put pictures up, (Which I must add that I'll be putting one human picture, one anime style which is probably my most preferred one) videos, all that of characters! But for this first chapter, only an anime picture of our main dude, who's name starts with an 'R'.  Thank you for support, read comment, fave, and I hope you enjoy and have fun with my story!!!! ^^



People were created to be loved-

Things were created to be used.

The reason why the world is in CHAOS-

Is because things are being loved,

People are being used.


"Well I'll be damned." I frowned, the words echoing off the walls and seeming to be an insult on my part. I followed the boys amused gaze, my eyes landing on a couple making out. My frown deepened. Gross. And right in the middle of class. I turned back to Mark, who was only grinning like a fool at the two. He seemed to enjoy seeing into their little world when suddenly he yelled across the room,

"Hey guys! This is a classroom, not a strip club!" I looked behind me again to see the girl with half her shirt down. I sighed, how inappropriate, stupid and embarrassed they must have felt. Personally, I'd never do that, being that I barley liked anyone touching me. If they did, I could freak at them as much as I wanted. Especially Mark. He knew I hated being touched; any contact with anyone other than family was weird and discomforting, even with my family. I wanted to be alone, and I wasn't ready for anything yet. Shivering and rubbing my arms, the bell rang and everyone sprung up from their chairs, eager to escape the Learning Center.  At least that's what I called it. Along the way, I was shoved, my textbooks and other things falling to the floor, allowing people to trample all over them. Mark and I were left in the room, his reason being after school detention. I stood, watching his face carefully turned from excited to bleak and bored.

"What're you here for this time?" I took my time gathering my belongings. I walked home anyway. It was quite a way into town, but the walk always calmed me everyday. This always happened. My stuff on the floor, shoved into lockers, the usual. One of the many reasons I didn't want anyone to close to my heart.

"Fighting. Again. This time with Derek though." I bit my lip. Derek was a bully at school, one of the few who picked on me, Rin Harrison. I always felt weak around him for many reasons.

Derek was 6'7 and was only 16. His strength was incomparable to anyone in this school; I swear he could probably pick up one end of a bus packed with students. His looks were ok, brown hair and brown eyes as most kids in this school, but he seemed to look great that way. He was big, burly, downright mean and rude. It was kind of weird to see the muscle man be kind to the girls, to hold them gently. I thought that would be nearly impossible, that they would be crushed under him, but no.

"Rin, why do you always have to look to...weird." I grimaced, bring my drifting mind back to this place. Mark had sat on top of the teachers desk, most likely waitin for my exit before preparing a prank for the teacher that was to watch over him today. If I was a witness I would have to report. I mean, most people wouldn't but Mark knows me well enough by now, after he tried to paint fuck you on the teachers chalk board. He had finished his red swear word before the teach came through the door, flaming with anger. I simply shrugged to his question. Did he mean my hair. I quickly raised my hand to my hair, twirling a strand around my finger. I had dyed it black, simply to show people how I felt about my life, and my eyes...I actually haven't looked in a mirror for awhile. Jeeze Rin, it'd be the least you could do to look at your appearance before doing random crap. Mark tsked.

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