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I am not a furry! But I still like anthropomorphic cartoon characters.

Like most kids, Disney and Saturday morning cartoons gave us animal characters who we fell in love with. Some of us grew out of them while others struck with them. 

I love what people can do with anthropomorphic characters in different stories. You can do a lot with them you can't do with human characters. Animals can be superheroes, symbolize morals, and make us laugh. 

Although adults think these characters are meant for kids, artists knew the cartoons can be used in adult media too. As long as they work in that media, they can be enjoyable for the audience.

I also enjoy reading litrpg novels (literature role-playing games). As a gamer, reading those books is like watching characters play video games that are unique with interesting game mechanics that no real game has yet. 

Ready Player One was the first novel I read in the litrpg genre. Then I read The Land by Aleron King and watched the anime series, Sword Art Online. 

I soon realize that litrpg novels only take place in virtual fantasy medieval settings. Their game mechanics are like D&D rules, and the races are all generic fantasy races. 

Since I couldn't find anthropomorphic litrpg novels, I decided to write one.  

Sword and Claw is my first litrpg project with furry characters who fight monsters and complete quests to level up. It has a gender bender element to put the main character into peril. It might sound weird, but it will have a lot of actions and RPG progression for nerds who like that stuff. 

Anthropomorphic characters are my thing and I am glad to make this novel become a reality. 

- Miles Trombley   

Image on book cover is done by AshBlueFlames

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