Chapter 3 Deal

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Elizabeth's pov

I was pure shocked while he smirk so devilishly and kinda of evil. Oh my God, he knows I'm the Great Goddess of Goddess Clan and niece of the Sovereign Angel Michael? How? Estarossa, Zeldris and Damien doesn't know how my identity as the heiress of the Goddess Clan or felt my angelic powers since I spend time in the Human Clan and hide my aura and powers. Even how I look but how he does? "H-How do you know who I am?" I ask in stuttter which Meliodas's smirk become bigger as he brush my hair behind my ear. I burn up more as I couldn't help but be very embarrassed now and especially if I'm underneath of a guy. This is very uncomfortable for me.

"Well, I heard from the weakling human that adoptive Third Princess is a divinely, lovely beautiful and very attractive maiden with skin that resembles snow, eyes that hold the bewitching light blue stars as well, have a graceful look in her face. And a pure silk silver that the Father God blessed his angels. I guess, that why you are here along with the Demigoddess Princess who's happen to caught my cousin's eye. The old man knows how to make a perfect lady from blood" he said shocking me. H-He knows about Abigail? Oh God, we will be doom if they find out and they will take us as hostages since I'm the Great Goddess and Third Princess, Abigail the Crown Princess of Nazareth and Astrid and Hester the royal members of the Werewolf Clan.

Oh dear God. "Don't worry, Little Princess. I won't tell about how you and your ladies are but you have to give me something back..." he soon spoke which I looked at him back. His smirk grew as his eyes went up and down to my body which made me burned up more than before and feeling a shiver going from my back. "You have to become my handmaiden or should I say mistress since I owe you now. You belong to me and you won't leave me since I will always find you, Princess" he stated which shocking me and my face went to lava bits. EH?! HANDMAIDEN!? MISTRESS!? What the heck? I don't want to have a sexual relationship! I love my maidenhood and being in virgin.

"If I want to touch you, I touch you. If I want you dress different then, you dress different. If I want to have a taste from you, I have a taste from you. I promise I won't be hard on you but I can't promise control myself lot" he said which my face got more worst than before. Now I get why Abigail gets upset when this behavior, because there's some men who see women as toys. I won't give in. I soon push off from me which slightly shocking him before I sat up and tried to get away from him but I soon felt two strong arms around my waist and pull back as my soft back hits a very well tone chest. I turn my head around which seeing Meliodas  smirking as his nose to my neck which I slightly gasp. "Don't mind, strong willed women lot but you can't leave my side, Elizabeth. It's either you escaping from me or your Goldilocks friend getting into a fight with my old man?" He said which put me still. T-the Demon King? Him fighting Abigail? No, I can't do that to her.

I don't want her to get hurt by him. I don't really want that happening to her. I soon give up which Meliodas to my neck and feeling his breath hitting my neck which made me moan that shocked me more. "Mine...All mine" he said before plant a kiss there. I slightly jump up as he chuckles. I need to know where's Astrid and Hester are. I soon ask Meliodas about my friends, Astrid and Hester the twins girls with light coloured magenta eye and fair skinned as Astrid is blondie while Hester a brunette. Meliodas soon 'hmm' as he kiss my shoulder which made me more intense than before. I swear to God that if he keeps doing that, I will give in sooner or later. I just hope I don't. I really hope I don't.

"Well, the two girls were taken to the pet's centar which demons who lives here have pets and need someone to take care of them and give them a bath. They will be fine if they don't get bloodthrist or hunger for meat. I never knew you so into puppies, Little Kitty" he murmured which I burning more while feeling my body getting very sensitive and warm as very weird. What is this? Meliodas soon end up kissing and sucking my neck which I moan as my heart start speed up. I tried to free from his grip but he couldn't let me. I struggles as he pinned me back to the bed and face him. I face away from him as he start nibbling my neck. It took lot to hold the other moan and each bite, make me feel weirder and tense more. "I want to taste you, can I taste you?" He asked in curiosity which I didn't face him.

Don't give in, Elizabeth. Don't give in to him. I soon felt a warm hand on my face which pull me gently to him. My eyes meet his as he close them before pull me into a kiss. My eyes went widen and shock while my face got warmer. It's was a soft and warm kiss. I end up kissing back as my heart start beating like crazy. One of my hand went to his arm and grip it as the other one was onto his chest. We soon pull away from the kiss which I was heavily breathing while feeling very tired and my eyes were slowly closing. I heard him chuckles as I felt a kiss on my forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Elizabeth"

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