Chapter 16 The Feeling of Gentleness

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Elizabeth's pov

"So, how long he have to be there?" "Unlit he peep himself" Astrid growl as I watch in a far distance Meliodas chain up into the chandelier and struggles to break it. I was slightly shocked and disbelief by Astrid and Luna descion. They decided to chained up Meliodas and putting him chain in the chandelier for God knows how long. I heard Abigail while Damien was shocked how it happen or how they did it to the most powerful and strongest demon in history. "Girls, please put him down or guards will come and seeing how their future king got chain by the two Werewolf Princesses of the Werewolf Clan, then we will endanger. Let go of Meliodas, please" Abigail spoke strictly and disbelief which Luna growls and cut the chain robe which Meliodas falls down.

I close my eyes to not see him hurt but I never the load 'crash' which I open my eyes and seeing him fly down towards me and land in front of me while he wrap around me. I burned up pretty badly. "You're lucky that Elizabeth cares about you lot than me now release my wrath against you, little wolves" Meliodas coldily said which Astrid give him the middle finger while Luna growls again as Abigail told them to clam down and not making a scene which reminds them that are in the Demon Clan's Castle. "Fine, but if this asshole do his pervy crap into the next level and gets Elizabeth pregnant. I swear to Artemis, that he won't never go to the bathroom ever again" Astrid deadly growl.

Meliodas looked at her in blank before she and Luna need to go back to their taking care animals duty while Gelda cough slightly. "It was true about all the vampires said about them. They're fearless and brutal like beast while having the resemblance and beauty of their mother. I guess, there's going to be lot of work for you getting them to like you, Meliodas" Gelda soon spoke which Meliodas groans as he struggles  to me like teddy bear. I blush more as Zeldris soon come to the room and take his seat next to Gelda. "How was the meeting? Zel" Meliodas soon asked which he sigh of boring and looking at Gelda.

"Boring as hell. The commencements and I got lot of work to do order for the regions of the Human Clan falls. The only parts we can't go to conquer is Nazareth, Yamoto, Tonsberg, Camelot, Edinburgh, Leonidas, Yorkshire, Chiara, Aryan and Santana and others who are under the protection of the Gods. Father wants to moves into the next level of conquering the homeland of Nymphs Gaia which it's impossible and dangerous because it's connect to Mount Olympus where the Gods live and home of the wife of the God of Underworld Hades. I swear, if we go mess them, then the whole Demon Clan will be screw off thanks to the old man's greed and conquer" Zeldris soon said.

I was shocked while Abigail's face went blank. Oh God, they going against the Gods? They wouldn't stand a chance agaisnt them, especially the Strongest of them. But good thing, Nazareth and the other kingdoms are safe and sound. The waiter soon come with the food which he served us and leaving fast than a heartbeat. I guess it's because they are scared of Meliodas and the others because they're the strongest and powerful demons in history. I soon eat while I notice Abigail looked pure relief and glad that her home and the others were safe. I eat a other piece while I knew that other clans who ain't humans are the ones who can fight them and used all their powers to fight against them. The Nymphs are Divine Spirits who controls nature and lives peaceful in Gaia where they're protected.

They don't know how to fight or protect each other than the Nymph Queen Demeter or Ents who's are their guardians. I truly hope they will be alright and Hades won't get mad at them for trying to conquer his wife's homeland. Persephone will get very worry about it. After eating, me and Meliodas went back to his room dueling he wanting to cuddle with me more. Once we enter, he pinned me to the bed which my face starts getting heatting up as he place his head on my chest that I gasp and burn more. "You so warm and softly, Elizabeth. I know you friends are trying to protect you but I don't know they think I'm the bad guy. I'm not the bad guy, I'm not like my bastard father who's kidnapped my mom, who's force to marry him, who's sexual abuse her and rape her as taking her away from me and Zel. I'm not like him'' he murmured.

I was shocked while I knew that he was bit hurt the way who Astrid and Luna react it. I know they know that Meliodas isn't the bad guy but they don't him to do weird stuffs on me or pregnant me for my uncle won't go all nuts on him. I soon sat up which Meliodas slightly sat up and bend before I place kiss on his forehead that shocked him. Meliodas soon look me up and seeing his cheeks were mix with light red blush. "I know they can be little harsh on you, Meliodas. But believe me, they ain't acting like this because your son of the Demon King, it's becuase they are fear if I will get heartbroken again. I was alone since six when my mother died and fatherless. They don't want me to get hurt more than before" I said which Meliodas stare at me in shocked. I smile more before he pull me into a kiss. I soon kiss back as I felt him cup my head and adding little of tongue taste which I burn up.

We soon pull away from the kiss as the tingling of lust return my body and struggles to his. "I...want you" I breathe which Meliodas which he push me to bed and have his arm on my waist, balanced us and have the other one holding my hand. "Whatever my Queen wants, she gets" he said before pulling into the other one filled with passionate and lust as I kiss back.

I guess, this will be the second time we do it again and good thing, Hawk is staying with Abigail for knowing stuffs of Nazareth.

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