Chapter 8 Sad Song

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Elizabeth's pov

Meliodas soon take me back to his room as he sat down and looked very serious which I blush and start to get very nervous about his behavir. I quietly whimper. "Elizabeth, do you believe what he said or tell you how to escape from me?" He asked which I looked at him in shocked. What? I soon tell him 'no' and I know what he's was lies about him and saying he's worst like his father. Meliodas looked at me in shocked while I looked at him in upset and confused. Why he's would think of that? "Why you don't trust me?" I said as he's looked more shocked while my hand turn into a fist. I...hate this. I hate how people can't trust me enough like my uncle told me to not risk my life for saving my adoptive family.

It's upset me and I knew why he told me that was because I look so much like my mother. "Do you really think  that I would leave you like that how he's wanted? No, of not course. I don't trust him and I'm not leaving you even if you have a dark side. He wanted me to leave for you can be ruthless like your father and get rid off your feelings for me but I reject it becuase I want to know my feelings for you and understand yours. You're just like him, like my uncle. But his reason why he can't lose me becuase I looks too, much like my late mother" I said while I felt my heart arching pretty badly. I can't help but to feel this for him more. Trust, men unlike the people who I know can't fully trust the girls about when other men try to seduce them and saying meanless lies.

That way how Meliodas questioning me, hurt me. It's hurt me lot. I felt him looking at me with me in some shocked. Meliodas soon grab my hand and pull me into him. I slightly gasp as I land in arms and holding me so protective and gentle. Gentle like the springs or the clouds. I end up struggling into his touch. "Elizabeth...I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm not used to be this stubborn. It's becuase how Estarossa likes to makes problems for me which I get prissed off by that bastard. He's always tried to get the old bastard's attention and try to become his adsivor for his selfish reasons. That one of the reason why I'm very close to Zel and Damien, they still have the care and love from our families and trying to change Demon Clan's ways. I'm really sorry, I'm really am for hurting you in this way, Elizabeth" he said and hold me more tightly.

I slowly hug him which Meliodas used one of his hands and rubs to my back as accidentally, active my wings and pop on, and making me and Meliodas fall down onto the bed. I was shocked as he touch them. "I never knew a child between Goddess and Angel Clans have so soft wings. Yours are like pillows that I would struggle with him" he said which my face burn up like crazy. HUH?! He's really think that? Meliodas end up touching them which I slightly moan as he's smirk. "Well, well, well...I think now, I know your soft spot. But I rather kiss you lot unlit I can't control myself" Meliodas smirk more as my face got more worst than before. Meliodas place his hand on my cheek which he pull it gently into a passionate kiss. I was shocked as I kiss back which my wings soon disappeared. 

Meliodas soon sit up and made me too as he grabs my thighs and pull me closer to him and wrap them around him. I moan in the kiss when I felt his arousal against my maidenhood as me and him pull from the kiss and look at each other with...lust? Oh my God! Lust!? I soon turn crimson as I turn away from him while he's chuckles and kiss my cheek. I blush more and seeing him smiling towards us. "Hey, I'm not going to force you to have sex with me. After all, I rather do it when you're ready and knowing that you're a virgin. And..." he soon smirk more which I burning more while feeling my body in pleasure and wanting him. My body wanting him so badly than I controlling myself.

"The old man wants me to bring the Goddess Great to the Demon Clan by tomorrow which gives me lot of time to enjoying you. Elizabeth" he whisper in husky and seductive voice which I burn up more and he's smirk before pulling me into the other passionate kiss. I end up kissing back lot of quicker than I thought. We stay like this and making out with each other. Meliodas would go out of his room to bring us food and having a talk about our pasts. I learn he and Zeldris were very close to their mother and loved her so much while for Damien, he's was a Hybrid of human and demon. His mother was prophtess who's she fall in love with his father the other Demon King Romulus. That explain why I felt somehow human in him. Meliodas also learns about I never saw my late father Camael who's died in war against tyrants of the Human Clan which my mother end up mourning for him and becuase of that, she get sick and died.

It was a bit hard for me but I manage to move on since that what she's want for me. Meliodas take my hand and kiss it on the back as getting my heart beating. "I guess that why your uncle need you to be with the Royal Family of Liones. You would get the lessons about being a ruler while he have to deal with responsible of both clans. But hey, you have by your side as I will never leave you, Elizabeth" he smile which me burn up more and my heart racing fast.

I am....falling in love with him?

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