Chapter 5 Vampire Slave

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Elizabeth's pov

We soon stop our laugh while we enjoy the sunlight and the warm wind that bloom the grounds. I relax for a bit while Hester ask me what Meliodas do to me in worrying for me and anger for him since she and Astrid know what kind of people who's are innocent and 'pervs'. "He just blackmailed me about what would happening if they knew the princesses of the Goddess, Nazareth and Werewolf were here then, it's would be very dangerous for us, especially know Hybrids and a Goddess" I said which Abigail look shocked while Astrid and Hester howl of annoyance. I sigh while my face got slightly warm. I couldn't help but to feel this way with him. Why? He only wants my body and virginity to be gone but yet, he's making feel this way for him. I don't understand about men lot.

I heavily sigh before Astrid and Hester start sniffing. Huh? Abigail soon asked them what's wrong as they went in the castle which we follow them. We were wandering around as we soon were in front of a black door. Eh? What in there? We soon open it as seeing a vampiress chain up and look weak. The vampiress resemble a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair that is tied into a side braid with blue ribbon and lay on her shoulder as she has purplish pink eyes with slit pupils. Pale complexion and fitting body as she's wearing a gold battle dress. We were shocked as Abigail soon break the chains and I help the vampiress to stand up. ''What happen to you?'' I asked which she looked at me in weak and very tired like she's haven't eat anything for month. How she's got here? ''I got captured and being sell as slave which now, I'm owned by the Third Demon Prince Zeldris who pick me. The guards and the Slave Seller told him that I was dangerous to him and I needed to be tame and stable which that how I got here and not giving blood from yesterday. I'm Gelda, by the way'' she said.

We were shocked as Astrid end up saying that Gelda isn't that Vampire Duchess of Edinburgh who's a very dearly ally and friend towards the Vampire King Vlad and the Vampire Princess Rachel who's the godmother of Abigail. Gelda soon nods as we got out of the room and take her to the kitchen, thanks to Astrid and Hester who's has a very picky scent. We made Gelda to sat down while she's was saying that she was very hungry which we looked at each others. Astrid and Hester couldn't give her their blood because their wolf half might poison her duel werewolves and vampires have a very poison bite that they could kill each other. ''I will do it'' Abigail said which she take off her bracer and grab a knife as cut her wrist. Gelda's eyes soon turn bright red while she try to resist herself from harming Abigail. ''Don't worry, just drink it'' she said as Gelda nods before she bite her wrist and sucking her blood. 

I knew it's was  alright since her blood God wouldn't harm her and it's only harm the ones who's force her or feel threatened. Gelda soon pull away from her and sigh while she looked pure shocked. ''You h-have blood of powerful God in your veins? A-Are you the Demigoddess Princess of Nazareth?'' She asked which Abigail as she explain us were the princesses which shocking Gelda more. She soon asked us why we were here which I was about to answer unlit the door was slam open and seeing Meliodas with the other princes. Oh Dear...''See, I told you that they break in the office and stole your slave, Zel. I want them to be punish, especially the Christian'' Estarossa said which Abigail call him a 'coward' while Astrid and Hester were growling at him. Estarossa soon was chock by Meliodas and stating that he will kill him if he lays a finger on me which shocking me. H-He actually cares about me? ''And Abigail belongs to me, Estarossa. Don't forget your place since you don't have any rights about them. We decide what to do with them. So, go tell that old man but don't forget Meliodas will become the new king and I won't hold from killing you'' Damien said as Meliodas let him go before he kick out of the kitchen. 

We were stunned by them before Zeldris ask why Gelda was out as Astrid glare at him. ''Well, why you talk with that hag who's chain her up like animal and didn't give her food, dumb-ass'' Astrid sarcastic said which shocked him before mutter something darkly of 'punished' the slaver seller to dead. I got nervous while Damien grab Abigail which she demean him to let go it. '' cut your own wrist for giving her blood? Do you know that you could bleed to dead'' ''I don't mind it since it's a simple cut, so stop pretending care about me and find someone who's isn't all cut'' she span at him which he pick her up into bridal style before taking her away while I could heard her demean him to let her go. ''She's tough as hell'' Hester said as Zeldris told Gelda that he's taking her to his room which she's nods before they, while Meliodas told them to go back to their work which they give him the middle finger before. I was bit shocked and felt my face burning up very badly duel I was alone with him. Meliodas has his arm warp around my waist as I feel my face got worst. ''Don't worry, he won't hurt you either your friends. But you leave my room without my permission, what a disobey handmaiden I have. I guess, I have to punish you now'' he smirk.

I looked at him in shocked as he smirk more before taking me to his room and God knows what he might do with me. 

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