Chapter 23 King and his Queen

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Elizabeth's pov

"So Meliodas gets very territorial and mad as hell when it's about Sovereign Angel will not let him have Elizabeth or something that involves like mating or shouted the whole world that she's his? Oh wow, this reminds me of the stupid stories of Wattpad about Werewolf Alpha are too, territorial and horny as hell. Even the vampires who are full lustful and arrogant creatures. I feel being criticize about my race since I'm a Hybrid of werewolf and vampire" Luna soon said which Astrid and Gelda agreed with her. I sigh while eating my omelet before Zeldris asked if they really feel criticize about their race. We were still at the dinning room and having a small talk. Hawk point out that Meliodas span in front us when he said that my uncle won't let him marry me. Even so, Meliodas have hand under the table and holding mine through eating. I couldn't help but to blush and knowing he was too, sweet to me. 

"Have you ever know about the Twilight, that was a totally mess and lot of humans were making fun of that. It was so frustrate and annoying to the core. Well, least in Vampire Dairies, Originals and Legacies make it good and having the first Tribrid in the series. I never thought Vampire, Werewolf and Witch genes would make a little girl that powerful" Gelda hummed as Meliodas, Zeldris and Damien looked at her in slightly shocked. I looked at them in confused and having a feeling they never thought about a Hybrid with three components. That would be a other miracle in Britannia and Galilee itself. And I bet it will happen in the near future. Astrid soon slightly smirk by the thought which Hawk ask if who will be the people who's will creating it as she looked at him. "Well, I'm certain of a White Spawn and a gorgeous Goldilocks will be the certain parents of the Tribrid. I bet she will look like her mom lot and very much similar" Astrid grinned which Abigail and Damien looked at her in shocked.

Abigail soon burn up into lava bits as Damien have a speechless look on his face. Did she just ship them? Like how Diane does? Oh dear God. "That would nice to have a niece in the family" "MELIODAS!!!" Damien spanned at him as Abigail seem to pass out. I sighed as Luna try to hold her laugh. This was pretty awkward and embarrassed. At least, she didn't pass out. After breakfast, Meliodas take me away from the dinning room with Hawk as going to the room since to hide the act that I'm pregnant. I don't know how he going to hide the pregnancy since I'm very skinny, not in a weird way but in way that no one will notice. After all, I always been slender with curvaceous figure. We soon got to his room which he place me on bed. He soon lay down and cuddled me up which my face got very warm.

"So what we going to do? I know kept Elizabeth safe is my first duty but really, what we going to do? Are we going to watch a movie? Watch a show? Oh, maybe we can watch this movie I been drying to see, The Other Guys" Hawk suggestion which Meliodas agreed with him as asking me if I like to watch something. I wasn't sure what to pick since there's was lot of movies. I guess we can go with Hawk's movie since Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are very funny and I haven't see Eva Mendes for a while. Meliodas soon nods as he put The Other Guys which was super funny. Terry is jealous and amazed that Allen gets the very attractive women. "How he does it? I know he used pimp but how he gets the hot ladies. He even got the sexy assassin as well" Hawk said which Meliodas tell him that maybe was because of his pimp habits that get them into him or mysterious force on him. I giggle as Hawk try to hold his laugh.

I really like him. I always wanted a pig as my pet since I was very little. After the movie, Hawk falls asleep which he start snorting so cute and adorable. I soon slightly shriek which I was pinned on bed suddenly by non other than Meliodas himself. I soon burned up while he 'purr'. "M-Meliodas...please not now. Not in front of Hawk. We can do it when we're alone" I soon whisper. Meliodas looks slightly annoyed as he perk my lips before properly kissing. I soon was shocked as I kiss back before the kiss start getting slightly rough and very passionate. I soon grip his arms slightly tightly before pulling away from the kiss and were heavily breathing. My breath was heavier than his. Meliodas smirk which I blush more as knowing...

He won't stop teasing me.

Oh God.

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