Chapter 30 Fertility to be hidden

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Elizabeth's pov

Meliodas didn't leave me alone for days and half of weeks. Not even if his father who ask him to be one of his meetings with him. He would dare him lot. Keeping the pregnancy was very hard dueling of the nauseas and the camps lot. Astrid and Luna would bring me healthy and good food for me while makes jokes about the chefs. Abigail would sense if the baby was alright there and healed me from the pain and nausea. Gelda would talk with me to make me feel better and read me some books I liked. Zeldris and Damien try their best from making everyone thinking Meliodas locked me in his room and never let me out. Even people would feel really bad for me.

Hawk stay me by my side and stated protecting me with his life which make me feel happy. Ingrid would come to his room and give me quick checks as telling Meliodas about the results and telling us that we doing a good job. I would feel more happy as my stomach develops baby bump which was a bit smart but soon, got more more bigger dueling of fast pregnancy. Even now, my tummy is little bigger and my craves are getting very more stronger than before. I hope this isn't going to be noticable. "Elizabeth, are you okay?" I soon turn around and seeing Meliodas looked worry. We were on bed as I wore a pink fairy tale, pleated ruffle spaghetti dress.

I soon nods as I smile which Meliodas sigh of relief before pulling me close to him. My body end up struggling to his which I cuddled him. Meliodas chuckles as he placed a kiss on my head. "Sorry, I just have lot of my mind, Meliodas. I'm sorry if I worry you" I soon said which Meliodas smile as he kiss my forehead. I smile more before I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Meliodas asked harshly since we have make sure if it's Zeldris, Damien and the girls or not. We soon heard Abigail's voice which Meliodas let her in. She got in as she close the door behind her. "How you lovely couple doing with the magical child?" She soon asked which Meliodas sigh and look at her.

"Well, it been lot and Elizabeth been doing lot with pregnancy. Her nauseas got more harder for her but the good things for her been better. I feel my child is fine along with Elizabeth. I don't know when all of this will end but I hope he wouldn't know about it" he said which I notice his grip could bit tightly. I know that he still worry about him if he find out about us. He been hiding it dueling of the pregnancy and kept me happy. Abigail soon nods before asking us if we have plan that confused us. "What are you talking about?" I soon asked which Meliodas looked bit of intense.

"If he find out about the child and what are you doing to do?" She soon explained that shocked us. H-Huh? What? I soon look at Meliodas who was shocked. I think he haven't think about that. He soon said that we haven't think about that and ask her if she have a plan. Abigail looked at him in surpised since Abigail is the Goddess of War, Wisdom and Courage. She's one the wisest person in the Gods which Odin himself can't compared to her wisdom. "Well, don't get mad at me for what I'm going to say. But I think the best way for Elizabeth and child can be safe if she leaves the Demon Clan and stay in Nazareth" she spoke which I soon felt Meliodas's demonic aura soon got out as it was rageous, poweful and deadly.

Oh God, his instincts. "No! She's will stay with me! She's mine! She's belongs to me!!!" "Yeah, I know that. But you have to be smarter than that. I know it's sound crazy and there's no way you would let that happen but Elizabeth will be endanger along with your child. I'm the Goddess of Wisdom, I'm the wisest person out of the Gods. Just think about it, alright. If does happen, I promise I'll do best take care of her and protect her along with the baby" she said which leaves Meliodas speechless. She's right. Abigail knows what's right and best for everyone. Abigail soon sigh and stand up as she walked towards the door. She soon stop as she turn her towards us.

"Before I go, it's a girl. I been sense it for a week and good luck with the mini version of Elizabeth" she smile before she leaves and close the door. Me and Meliodas were stood in pure shocked while my mind and heart were celebrating like crazy. I-it's a girl? We having a daughter? Meliodas soon asked if Abigail was kidding as I looked at him. "No, Abigail never jokes about this kind of things. After all, we about near day and she can sense lot of stuffs, especially unborn beings" I soon said which Meliodas soon pulled me into a passionate kiss. I was shocked as I kissed back. He make the kiss deep and slightly rough as he hold me my waist softly and gentle.

We soon pulled out of the kiss and were heavily breathing. Meliodas soon kiss my forehead and smile brightly. "I'm really happy that we having a girl. It's really a relief for me. Now, I guess we can named her Ella. How your uncle will feel when he finds out that I pregnant you" I soon said which I nervously laugh and looked at him in awkward. "He will lose it but yet, he try to accept the fact for the reason I got pregnant was because I fall in love with you and you love me back" I soon explained which he smile as he kiss me before laying on bed.

"Goodnight, Meliodas"
"Night, my love"

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