Chapter 26 Friends always by your side

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Elizabeth's pov

I was shocked as my eyes went widen. Diane? Merlin? They're here? When me, Abigail, Astrid and Luna went to Liones to rescue adoptive family. Diane and Elaine along with King were really worry if we got caught. I told them that we will be alright but it's went the opposite what they thought. We got capture and meet Meliodas who's I fall in love and the father of my child. Even Abigail falls in love with Damien. I notice Meliodas grip the door and let a crack there. "I will be there in five minutes" he mutter before slam the door which he look at me who I was still in shocked while Hawk asked him what we going to do.

"I don't know but I have to be there since those are Elizabeth's friends, despite one of them is Merlin who's has a huge price of her head since she's betrayed my old man as stole the book of Black Arts from us" Meliodas sighed which I spanned from my shocked while thinking about it. Merlin, Merlin was born in Belialuin, a captail of Wisemen. Merlin told me that her kingdom was used children to make them weapons and she's escape from her father who didn't loved her and only care for her for her infinite magic. Her kingdom was destroy by the civil war between Witches, Warlocks and Mages. Merlin was adopted by Great Wizard Gowther himself and his creation Gowther. She told me that she's spent her time in Demon Clan for a while unlit Wizard Gowther was executed by the Demon King for his rebelious escape.

Because of that, Merlin in furious stole the book of Black Arts from him and escape the Demon Clan with Gowther and they end up living in Camelot who's she's meet Uther Pendragon, the father of King Arthur who Merlin become his godmother after his parents died. I was worry if they will hurt them as Meliodas kiss my forehead which I blush and look at him as he was smiling. "Don't worry about them, I will make sure they will make it out live. Okay" he said which I nods. Meliodas smile more before kissing my lips as he quickly change and leave the room. I sigh as Hawk climble bed and lay next to me. "Don't worry, Milady, Sir Hawk will protect you unlit Meliodas comes back" Hawk playful spoke which I giggle.

Such a sweet piggy. Dueling of the waiting, I end up watching movie called All the Bright Places with Elle Fanning who's play as Aurora in Maleficent. I smile as Hawk softly snore which I hold my laugh since he's looks so cute. I soon heard some yells and sound outside which I look at the door and Hawk soon wake up from the sound. "What the hell is happening outside?" Hawk asked which I replied 'I don't know' as the sound was getting load and near here. Hawk moves to me protective as the door slam open. "ELIZABETH!!!" I was shocked as seeing Diane with full tears on her eyes. Diane is young lovely beautiful woman with brown medium-length that it's tied up into large twintails.

Lovely purple eyes that resembled amethyst crystals as she's has curvaceous body and well endowed. She's was wearing a orange short sleeved one piece suit, boots with five cross laces that extend to her knees. Two finger less gauntlet of a grey blue leathery material cover shiny steel studs on the left hand. I was shocked as she's run towards me and accidently push Hawk out of the bed and hug me. Eh? "Thank of Great O Ymir that you're alright. I was so scared if he hurt you" she said as I was confused which I was about to say something unlit Diane was on the other side of room as seeing Meliodas here with huge furious aura.

Oh no, territorial instincts of the Alpha. "Were you trying to steal her away from me?" He asked her harshly and darkly which Diane was shaking in fear but look ready to fight, despite Meliodas is stronger than her. He darkly glare at her as Diane soon charge towards him unlit she suddenly was flowing as she was meters away from Meliodas. "Really? You fools would make a scene in front of Elizabeth? God" Abigail soon said which seeing her in the room which shocked us. Thank God, she make it in time. I sigh of relief as Hawk asked her if she's can used telekinesis. "Being half God can have lot of advantages. Especially, being the great all powerful granddaughter of the Father God" she soon said which Diane was pure shocked at Hawk.

"OH MY GOD!!! THAT PIG JUST TALK?!?!" "I'M PURGATORY CREATURE!!! YOU IDIOT!!!" Hawk shouted as I sigh while knowing that this will be a long explanation.

Few moments later~

"So Elizabeth fall in love with blond prince bastard and now being enraged as Abigail fall in love with his cousin? What the hell!!!! This pig is really a Purgatory Creature!? He's too cute!!" Diane nearly shouted as I nods while Abigail was blushing like crazy. I guess that explanation was too much for her. Diane look at Meliodas who's he was holding me tightly and protective while kept glaring at her. "What's up with him? Why he's acting like dominate wild animal?" She's asked which I burst out of flames and Meliodas looked at her with huge porker face. Oh my God, did she have to asked that. Diane soon notice our weird behaviors and asked us about what was happening.

I burned up more as Abigail soon look away and mumbles some things which Hawk sigh. "Well, these two lovebirds take the next level of their relationship which this idiot didn't use protection which now, we trying to the hide the little baby from the old creep who's will do bullshit of abusive childhood. Which now, Meliodas is trying to protect Elizabeth and baby from him" Hawk soon explained as Diane wad shocked and looked at us who's my face went to lava bits.


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