Chapter 25 Child of Light and Darkness

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Elizabeth's pov

After the check up with Ingrid Rosenberg, Meliodas take me straight to his room and bed. I end up wearing light pink short, long sleeved V-neck nightgown. Meliodas cuddled with me the whole night which I enjoyed it very much. I couldn't help but struggled with his touch and return the embrace. In my sleep, I have many thoughts about the baby and the other people who are slaves. Ingrid was taking away from her lover which I could see she trying to find a way to escape the castle and Demon Clan as returning to her mate. Not just her but as well, Gelda was taken and the other girls when we were in the carriage. Even the men. I don't know if there's more other races like Gelda and Ingrid here but the places the demons invade were territories of the Werewolf and Vampire Clan. Edinburgh and Berger are the territories of them. I guess, they didn't knew because of humans who live there in peace. 

I'm worry about if the Demon King decides to taken over the werewolves and vampires. I'm really worry. But I can't worry now since the baby. I don't want nothing harming the baby. I soon wake up in maybe 1 or 2 in morning which I rush quickly to the bathroom and throw up into the toilet. "Elizabeth!" I heard Melioda's voice which I felt him rushing to my side and bend now as  comfort me by rubbing his hand onto my back gently. I throw up there for a good half a hour. I soon pull away from toilet and lean on Meliodas while I was heavily panting. Meliodas hold me tightly and whispering 'it's okay' while I felt my eyes were getting watering. "Do you want me getting you back to bed?" he soon asked which I nods as I wrap my arms into his neck before he pick me in bridal hold. Meliodas take me back to the bed and place me there as I use my healing powers to the morning sickness away. 

I soon start breathing normal as I put hand away which Meliodas lay beside me and holding me dearly. I soon return the embrace which I hug him tightly and struggling to his very warm, muscular and soft body. I felt him kiss my forehead before falling asleep. By the time I woke up, I saw myself on top of Meliodas who was fast sleeping. I notice he was shirtless which I didn't know why but I felt...very touchy. I touch his neck as going down his collarbone which seeing his well toned chest. I touch it more and feeling it before I hand grab my hand. I slightly surprised as seeing him wake up which I lightly blush and have a little smile on my face. "Touchy, touchy, Elizabeth...I see you feeling better" he smirk which I giggled while I was better and less sickness. Meliodas put my hand on his chest which I giggled as his head was moving towards mine. I blush as I close my eyes and were to share a kiss unlit we heard Hawk's snorting which we stop and seeing him hawk upside down and snorting so cute. 

"I almost forget he's here with us" Meliodas said which I laugh and nodding before sharing a short but passionate kiss. We soon pull away from the kiss after we heard Hawk waking up and looking at us. Meliodas soon look at him which he asked if I was feeling better after the whole throw up in the morning. "I'm fine now. I'm feeling quite of hungry now. Can we eat here. please?" I soon asked with puppy eyes I have which Meliodas laugh and kiss my lips before saying we can. I smile as Hawk soon stated that he was getting the food before leaving the room in fast as he could. I giggles again as Meliodas smirk before he flip us around which he was on top of me. Meliodas have a huge smirk which I blush deeply before he start kissing my neck as I moans while one of his hands were going up to my leg to my thigh. "M-Meliodas...not now. H-Hawk will be here any second now which I don't want him s-seeing us...doing it" I stutter which Meliodas pull away from me looking me plead. 

I sigh which I kiss him before looking at him with his charming emerald eyes. "We can do it later when we're alone, okay?" I said which Meliodas smile as kissing me passionately. I kiss back before pulling away and seeing Hawk return with breakfast on top of his back. I soon notice strawberries were there which I felt a strong crave towards the strawberries. "Thank God, there the twins were there. I pick up a strawberry with banana pancakes for Elizabeth while for you, meat from bull that they just cut out" Hawk said before putting the plate on the bed as I thank him before eating the pancakes. Meliodas chuckles while I think the craves was because of the baby and the morning sickness that release the full smell foods that I need to eat. Meliodas watch me often eating as he eat it too. I notice his hand on my waist and feeling it gripping slightly. I think he's scared since this morning I throw up and remember he have a fear look on his face as looking slightly pale.

From what I learn in books and Abigail's mother Sara Iglesias who's a doctor that pregnancies have hardships and painful moments. Mostly the morning sickness that scared him. By what Abigail and Ingrid said, I have to be happy and no feeling, worry, threatened, stress, upset or scared since I will have a miscarriage. I don't want to lose the baby or harm it since I want everything to be alright and fine. I soon finish eating, I lean on him which Meliodas smile and cuddled me. It's felt like it was the perfect unlit there's was a knock on the door. Meliodas sigh of annoyance and went to door which he open it harsh. "What is it?" He asked harshly which the demon who was standing looking scared as he was shaking in fear.

I was confused as Hawk to my side and look protective. "There been invaders who's tried to get in, Crown Prince. They are...the Fairy King, Giant Queen, the Guardian of the Fairy Princess, the doll of the Great Wizard Gowther and human with scary abilities lead by....Wiseman who's Gowther raised and betrayed the Demon King, Merlin Belialuin"

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