Chapter 17 Maiden of Light

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Elizabeth's pov

Oh my God, we did it for the second time. We make love for the second time. God help me if Astrid and Luna find out about this and try to kill Meliodas. Well, I guess I have to be less worry about things now. After me and Meliodas...umm...finish that, we fall asleep while cuddling with each other and holding each other dearly. It was a very evening night to say and quite of warm. In the morning, Meliodas and I took a bath together which he tease me and getting me all red. I was getting use to his playful teasing but my face couldn't stop to burn up to lava bits. After the bath and dry up, I change into a white, short sleeved mermaid dress with slivery crystal low heels. Meliodas change into his demonic clothes as he and I walked out of the room and walking through the hallways while he have his arm wrap around my waist. I couldn't help but blush as my body struggles to his. Yesterday, I felt I have nothing to control and let my body what it wants. I'm very confused of it but I didn't mind at all. 

Meliodas make me happy which I make him happy as well. I soon notice we pass the dinning room which shocked me and seeing Meliodas was taking us somewhere else. Where he taking us? I soon notice we were going to the gardens which he let out his demonic wings and pick me up into bridal hold before flying off the castle. I hold him tightly as seeing the beautiful view of the forest and going somewhere very far from the Demon Clan's Castle. I soon notice a beautiful lake where was flower trees around the lake with big waterfall. I was shocked as Meliodas land us which I soon saw the others were there. ''Hey! You guys took a long time than us! We were waiting since 7:00 AM!'' Hawk soon shouted which Meliodas said that we were bit 'hold' in the morning which Astrid glare at him while Luna was cuddled up with Hawk who's was enjoying it.

I giggled as I notice Abigail was wearing a pinkish purple shoulder-off, short sleeved sweetheart crop top and harem styled, bellydancer pants with gold details and golden open toe heels. Even Astrid and Luna were wearing servant's clothes as Gelda wears vintage elegant dark blue, round neckline maxi dress with slim sleeved. I soon walked and sat down on a tree truck which Meliodas sat down with me and hold me so protective and gentle. My heart starts beating against my chest and my face got warm up. "Why you girls are wearing those clothes?" I soon asked which Gelda end up explaining that they need to convince the guards that they wouldn't seek out with us as they dress up like they were call for service. 

I soon nods while Abigail was looking at the bushings. I was confused as she walked over to the bush and pull out two wolves which one was black and the other one grey. We were shocked as Astrid and Luna started sniffs. "Artemis, Loki...why are you two here and spying on us?" She spoke which shocked us. Eh? Artemis and Loki? She soon let them go as they soon transform into their normal forms. Artemis is a quite beautiful young woman with fair skin and full and athletic figure. She has midnight blue eyes and long black hair with pale blue tips which was tie into a partly braided tail and have curled bangs framing her face. She was wearing a dark purple armor and a short loincloth in front with two split pads on her sides and back, knee-length black armored combat boots with stockings covering her thighs.

A sliver and black headpiece with the moon crescent symbol on it and black bracers on her forearms. Loki is tall, handsome man with athletic, slim build and pale skin. He has a long, black hair that reaching down to his shoulders and green eyes. He was wearing a gold metal headband with horns in front and wearing a sleeveless, dark gray coat and green, long sleeved shirt and a black underneath shirt with black belt. Dark trousers and knee boots. "What the hell are the Goddess of the Moon and the God of Mischief doing here?" Zeldris soon said which Abigail let them go as they fall down and groan before Abigail ask why they here. "Well, my father and Perseus ask us to find you, the Great Goddess Elizabeth and his granddaughters as getting them back. We were about to and Great Goddess Elizabeth fall in love with the Demon Princes which hell, we couldn't get you out now and...." he soon explained.

I was shocked while he got quiet and Artemis soon blush which Abigail look at them in slightly disbelief. "You two haven't told your parents about your secretly romantic relationship been having for many years?" Abigail asked which he and Artemis soon blush like crazy and shock everyone than me, Astrid and Luna. I guess, they didn't know about that. "You're telling me that the Trickster God has a relationship with the Mistress of the Animals? And I thought when my Dad have sex with my Mom before the wedding day was crazy" Damien said which Meliodas and Zeldrie were in shocked before asking them how they are couple.

"That's none of your bussiness! We just looking for the Princess Batya since Odin the King of Asgard and Perseus the Elder of Olympus ask us becuase I turn into animals and Loki's shapeshifting ability. If you ever tell anyone about our relationship, I swear to the Father God and Son God that I will hunt you down and skin you alive before feeding your organs to my hounds or Cerberus" Artemis coldily threatened them which they said that they won't tell as she sigh of relief which Loki comfort her. I hope she didn't meant that. "You won't take Elizabeth and the girl back home?" Meliodas asked which Loki nods. Meliodas soon hug me more tightly and nuzzling towards my neck as I gasp and slightly burn up.

Hawk soon told him to get off of me while he start mumbling things through helding me close. "Michael will totally freak out when he's finds out his little Maiden of Light and Crown Prince's relationship"

"I logically agreed with you"

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