Chapter 28 Alliance with the Darkness

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Elizabeth's pov

I look at Merlin in some shocked while Meliodas have his eyebrows up. Merlin was slightly building sweats as the whole room was silence. M-Merlin just ask for help to Meliodas? I shouldn't be surprise since she cares of Gowther and Arthur as consider them as her family. I know she will do anything to protected them but asking for help of the Crown Demon Prince, the son of her enemy that she always said if she ask for help of him, that will be the day she would stop wearing revealing clothes and put on dresses. Even stop teasing Ban and King. Meliodas soon sigh as he look at me before looking at Merlin who look kind of impatience.

"Well, since you're friends with Elizabeth who she likes you, so I will help you but one condition..." Meliodas soon pull me closer to him as his demonic mark got little bit bigger and giving off a purple glow. "Elizabeth stays with me. I don't give a damn if her uncle gets mad at me but she's stays with me. Tell the Giant Queen, Fairy King and her friends that she's staying with me in her own will and don't pull any shit of getting her back since we both know how you got a deadline with my father" he harshly spoke which Merlin look at him in pure shocked while I was surprised what he say but then again, it's his instincts that are getting him mad, territorial and possessive dueling I'm pregnant.

He won't let anyone tell him what to do with me. Not even his father himself. Merlin soon stand up as she give a serious look at him before sighing. "Alright but if you let anything harm Elizabeth, I would have no problem to sent you to hell himself if I have to, along with other princesses" she barked before leaving the room. Meliodas soon sigh as he nuzzling against my forehead. I soon burn up while he clam down from his intense talk with Merlin. "M-Meliodas?" I stutter as he kiss my forehead which I blush before he laugh and smile at me. "Are you still hungry?" He then asked which I nods as he call the waiter who come with little bit of fear.

We soon take our orders which I order some a fruit salad with strawberries and some glass of water. The waiter take his leave as walking very fast. I guess I never saw someone leaving the room that fast before. Meliodas and I were talking about the baby which we begin thinking if it's a boy or a girl as I wanted to ask him if we can talked about names for the baby unlit Astrid and Luna in as they were groaning and got to their seats. "Hey Viking Princess and Apostle of Moon Goddess, what happen?" Meliodas soon asked which they groan and look at him as they look very tired. "Well, we didn't get sleep yesterday because we went seeing Werewolf Healer Ingrid" Luna soon spoke which shocked us.

They know about her? Of course, she was friends with their late biological grandparents. Werewolf Alpha Magnus and his queen and wife Agnes. Meliodas soon asked how they know her which Astrid groan more. "Because she was friends with our dead birth grandparents. She was so mad that she roar at us for whole night that a wolf could howl. It so tiredness and dreadful" she whined as Luna demeans where's the waiter. Meliodas rise his eyebrows as the waiter came back with the food and served us before getting to the two Werewolf Princesses which they order vanilla caramel coffee and beef.

The waiter nods as they start groaning and whining. "Hey puppies, when your parents knew you were twins and girl, did they have difficulty to pick up names for you?" I looked at Meliodas in some shocked as they look at him in confused. Why he ask them of that? "Well, our Dad did have a hard time with names lot. He wanted to name one of us after our grandma but he didn't want our uncle getting emotional and howl the whole night, so he named me 'Astrid' the 'Divine Strength' after a Viking Princess from Tonberg while Luna, the other names of Artemis who many people think her name is 'Luna' or 'Selene'. After the moon itself by our Mom. If you really want to choose what for the kid then, think the ones that you really like and are familiar with" she said.

Meliodas looked at them before nodding as the waiter return with their order. I soon start eating my food while Meliodas was watching me so often. I notice it because he was too close to me and feeling his breath against my skin. It make me feel ticklish and trying not to laugh since he would tease me and the twins would get mad at him. Good thing, my body just wanted to eat. "Umm, guys. Where's Hawk?" Luna soon asked which Meliodas replied them that he was with Abigail. Luna nods as drinking her coffee. Yeah, I haven't seen Hawk after he and Abigail leave the room for me claming down Meliodas's overprotective instincts. I hope they are alright and safe.

Even now, I haven't heard anything about Estarossa since Artemis and Loki told me, he got badly hurt by his older brother and Cocidius. It was silence and peaceful for a while unlit the door slam open which the twins jump as Meliodas wrap his arm around me protective. I soon turn my head and seeing Hawk panting hard and running towards us. "M-Meliodas! You got to go help Zeldris a-and Damien now!...ha..Damn, that was one hell of running...ha..ha..." Hawk panted which we looked at him in shocked. Zeldris and Damien are in trouble? Meliodas soon asked him what wrong which he pant more before taking a deep breath.

"They're trying to get the trauma got of Estarossa with Abigail's help but it's somehow release all the dark matter and demonic aura of him"

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