Chapter 14 Demon Prince's Lover

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Amey78's pov

Well, this is a quicky extra story of Meliodas and what he thought when he's saw Elizabeth. Meliodas, the First Demon Prince and Crown Prince of the Demon Clan. He to everyone was known as the most ruthless, cruel and horrid demon than his father and many feared him but the one who's really know him, he was just a guy who was a caring brother, friend and hope for the Demon Clan when he becomes king. Meliodas has never show any kind of affection of someone than his brother or cousin. He even thought that he wouldn't fall in love with someone becuase he was the son of the Demon King and many demoness never caught his eye.

Well, that what he thought unlit he went secretly to the slave sell and saw the Great Goddess Elizabeth. When he's saw her, he thought that was the most beautiful and even gorgeous silverette that have soft feathers and beautiful light blue eyes. Not mention her unique body and flawless pale skin. Meliodas's hearts were beating very fast as the silver beauty captured his lonely hearts. He wants her. He need her. He pick her from the slave sell and start pervy teasing her like she was adorable kitten or puppy but he respect her. He never thought having someone who can bring him his best and make him feel butterflies in his stomach. Dear God, even made him dress her up into beautiful dresses, gowns and making him to think about her first time and his as well.

Well, he didn't regret making love with beautiful angel like her and have her as his bride. But the next thing, they have to be ready.

Because he didn't used protection.

That idiot.

Elizabeth's pov

I end up cuddling up with something very warm that was holding me dearly. I wasn't sure what it was unlit I heard the birds singing. I slowly open my eyes and seeing I was cuddling up with topless Meliodas again. I sigh as I look down and seeing myself with no clothes and no undergarments. Oh my God!!! Did we actaully did it! I remember what happen that late afternoon which I was feeling very close to him and I want him so much. Oh God, we did it. Oh God, my uncle is going to freak out. But yet, I don't regret it. I mean, I make love with the man who I love and doesn't mean it's going to be the end of the world. But what I'm worry about is Astrid and Hester.

They as surely will kill Meliodas for this. They will sniffs us and knowing we did it. After all, they have a very strong scent like vampires and werewolves do. I sigh again and seeing him sleeping peaceful. I soon felt my face warming up and my heart speed up. He's looks kind of cute and handsome when he's sleeps. He's very handsome actaully. I never the son of the Demon King could be this charming. I soon used one of my hand moving upward and touching his golden blond locks. They look spiky but yet, they were very soft. What a strange messy spiky hair he has. Out of nowhere, he grab my hand which I slightly jump but I was hold by his arm around me. I looked at him and seeing him awake with his pure black tinted purple eyes and little tint of green at the bottom of his eyes.

I was shocked as he soon smirk which my face got worst. Dear God. "God morning, MY dear Elizabeth" he said which I burn up more. Meliodas smirk as his hand from my back was going downwards and upwards which make me blush like crazy. "Well, well, well...don't be so shy, my dear. After all, we won't that embarrassed or shame when we did it. I can't believe we actually did it" he said which I burn more and slightly nods. Oh God, don't tell me that it was his first time? Well, I have a feeling the other demon princes are virgins. That makes he and I aren't virgins anymore. I hope this doesn't turn like what happen with King who find out about Elaine and Ban were doing it.

He went nuts and try to kill Ban and taking his immortality as well. I soon tried to sat up which Meliodas help me and asking me where I was going with the husky voice which I shiver. I swear if he kepts using that tone, I would reach my limit. "I-I need to take a bath order for Astrid and Hester don't kill you for you and know" I spoke with embarrassed tone. Meliodas chuckles before kissing my forehead and saying we will. I went to lava bits since this is the first time we taking a bath together. Couple do that all the time, so that makes us a couple. Oh wow, we are a couple now but in secret. Meliodas soon got off of bed first which I blush like crazy when I saw his large manhood. I was about to cover my eyes but suddenly he pick me up into princess hold and walked towards the bathroom.

When we got there. There was a bath ready for us and the bathtub was huge that look like pools of the hot springs. I soon get in before Meliodas did and put me on his lap while I was blushing and my heart was going overdrive. "Hey, relax. Don't be all blushing after all of that...execrise. I will wash your hair while you bath your body, okay?" He asked which I nods. I felt him smile before kiss my neck and washing my hair while I was washing my body. I felt him playing with my wet sliver hair. I turn around and seeing him smiling at me which I blush more before I kiss his lips. "Can you please wash my hair instead of playing it?" I asked which Meliodas chuckled before pulling more close to him that I burn up like crazy.

I was slightly as he kiss my lips before smirking. "Sorry, Beautiful but I can't help myself with your gorgeous hair. You're so beautiful and lovely, I like to tease you lot, you know" he smirks which I blush more and leaning on his chest.

God, I think we enter into the next strage of a relationship.

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