Chapter 21 I will protect you both til the very end

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Elizabeth's pov

"'re prengant" Hawk breath as I was pure and utter shocked by his words and I feel everything just stop and froze time. I-I-I...I'm pregnant? I don't know why but I was so shocked that I stare at the ground and my arms were slightly shaking. I'm...pregnant...with child of Meliodas. I was was pure scared yet, somehow happy about it. The happiness comes from my dream that I used to dream of having child with me to be together and having mother and daughter bond and more family of me but the fear...was from that I don't know how is Meliodas reacting to this or that if..if the Demon King finds out about could possibly endanger the baby. I'm so scared and worrying how he reacting this.

"Elizabeth, look at me" soon Meliodas spoke up which I whimpers becuase I was afraid to look at him and seeing what kind of look he have. Even my body was slightly shaking. "Look at me, Elizabeth...just look at me" he said which I whimpers more as I heard him sigh before I felt soft and warm hands cup my cheeks and pull me gently towards him. I was pure shocked when I saw him smiling towards me as my eyes start watering up. "I'm not mad at you or that you're pregnant. I'm just shocked and happy to know that. I promise to love you and protect you. Now, I have more reasons to protect you. There's no way in hell, I would let something happen to you both" he said before pulling me into a kiss. I kiss back as it was a sweet and passionate kiss. Sadly, the it was a short kiss but have so much passionate.

We pull away while we were slightly heavily breaths. Meliodas smile towards me as our foreheads were pressure each other which my tears falls down. He not mad at me or with the child. I'm so relief and happy. Hawk soon sigh as Meliodas soon kiss my forehead. "Now, I bet Astrid and Luna will take off your balls and kill you when they find out since they warn you about it" Hawk spoke up as Meliodas nervously laugh before Hawk ask him what will happen with me being pregnant. "I have to ask Damien about it. But now, we have to keep it as secret because I don't want my child going the same harsh, horrible and abusive childhood that me, Zel and Estarossa have suffer in the same roof with him. I wouldn't put my child in the same thing as I did and you too, Elizabeth. I can't be like him, so abusive, violent, horrible and evil like him. I hate it. I hate it so much. I want you both to be safe. I need you to don't show signs in front of public. We can only tell to the people who we know and trust, even that means twin girls who look very pretty but actaully kick my ass" Meliodas soon said.

Hawk nods as our day went very well and nice. Meliodas stay dueling he want me to be safe and alright. Hawk went to tell Damien, Abigail, Gelda and Zeldris. He said that he wouldn't tell Astrid and Luna becuase they will kill him as adding it was more better tomorrow than today. Meliodas was cuddling me on bed and not letting me go. I sigh as I ask him for I have my personal space back. "No, you're so soft and warm. I'm going to cuddled unlit I get bore" he mutters which I sigh of defeat and give in into his desire. Sometimes he can be so childish that he can be so cute and sweet. This reminds me of 'To all the boys I loved before' movie that I watch with Diane, Elaine, Abigail and the twins. I heard the second movie is out. I have to watch it.

"So your childhood was really bad? Meliodas" I soon asked in worry which Meliodas nuzzled between my chest and I felt his breath hitting my skin. I gasp as my face got worst. I hope he isn't teasing me. "To be honest, it was more worst than your sad, lonely and fatherless childhood. He would beat us to train every single day which we would get very tired or throw up in the process. He pressure us to our absolute limit that for our Darkness get stronger, he most likely do it more on me than Zel or Estarossa. It was a living hell which turn more of a hell when our mothers died that he tried to make us believe the Human Clan did it on purpose but his name was all written everywhere and how he wanted to make my Mom to be gone for good. That why I can't bring myself to put that facade on you or my child. I promise myself that I would never turn into him. Once I'm Demon King and have the mighty power of Romulus, I will sent him to his death in order he won't lay a finger either of you. I have to undo his work on my clan and people" he explain.

I was shocked by his speech and seeing how much he hurt him. He's scared of that and seeing me suffering like how his mother did. He wouldn't dare to do that on me or our unborn child. I can see how serious he is with it. He's right about his childhood was worst than mine. Mine was about a sad, lonely and fatherless girl who help her mother in her health from the mourn sickness she suffer when her husband died while his was a boy who was raised by a monster who abuse him and lovely woman who loves him. I have to change the subject. "I...I was thinking right if we...c-could take a bath together since Hawk is gone now" I soon spoke while my face was pure embarrassed what I was thinking now. Meliodas soon look at me with dark lust, playful smirk as my face got more worst. Oh Jesus, why...

"'re such a dirty girl"

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