Chapter 31 I love her, so I let her go

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Elizabeth's pov

After Abigail left, Meliodas stay with me and cuddled me, despite of the large baby bump I have. It's kinda of weird feeling your stomach big while my body is skinny and slender. I guess I'm not use to it. It was a eventful night that lead to peace. Well, that what I thought. It was the morning which somewhat I end up getting up and let out small yawn. Huh, no morning sickness or cramps, just a normal wake up. Maybe it's because I'm in the near day. I soon felt a hand on my stomach which my cheeks burn up since I knew who it was. I soon turn around and seeing Meliodas full wake up and smiling towards me.

"Morning Beautiful. Are you feeling well?" He soon asked which I nods and saying 'I do'. He smile as he sat up before kissing my cheek. I smile before we softly got off of bed and change. I change into a white collar, long sleeved dress with black flat shoes. Meliodas use a spell give by Merlin dueling Diane told her that I was pregnant, she give this illusions spell to make me look than I'm not pregnant but only the father of my child and people who we trust the most to see it. Meliodas and I walked out of our room and went to the dinning room through the hallways. Every maid, bulter and servant were whispering to each others.

I was shocked as I have a bad feeling about this. I don't know why but I guess it's because I'm pregnant as making me very sensitive. It's weird and strange. We soon got to the dinning room which we soon saw girls with Zeldris who they look at us with pure worry. Shocking me as Meliodas ask them what's wrong which Abigail sigh. "I haven't seen Damien since yesterday. He hasn't in his bed when I wake up and not even here. I'm very worry about him and his disappearance" she said which shocked us. Damien is missing? How? I know enough that him wouldn't leave Abigail alone like how Meliodas doesn't leave me alone if I'm with someone that comforts me. Like Astrid, Luna, Hawk, Abigail or Gelda.

"This isn't like him. He would never leave you like this. Something is up which means, something or someone caught him" Meliodas soon said which Abigail nods while she looked worry and anxious about her lover being in danger. The twins soon start softly whines as Hawk turn pale while Gelda and Zeldris were worry. I guess the feeling of something happen was right. Damien might be in danger and it's making everyone worry, mostly Abigail. I hope she doesn't have a anxiety attack. We soon heard a long bang which the ground was shaking very badly and violently. Meliodas hold me tightly as everyone hang on with something. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF BACON IS HAPPENING!?! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD?!!!" Hawk shouted as Astrid was holding him.

The shaking soon stop which Meliodas quickly check me if I and our unborn daughter were alright. I nods as Luna shouted of what was happening as the door soon open. We turn our heads and seeing Damien with Estarossa heavily panting and have some bruises. "Damien!" Abigail cried out as she hugged him. Damien hugged her back as I notice the twins were growling at Estarossa while Zeldris ask him what happen. "That bastard knows about the girls" Damien mutter harshly which shocked us. What? No. He can't. This can't be happening? How in the world he find out? Meliodas soon asked hin how as seeing him angry as his aura become intense. He not very please about this.

"It's my fault. I ask Damien to come into our Father's old office to rebelled against his bloodlust and tyranny. We stole the reminding power of Romulus from him but he caught Damien which they start arguing that turn heated. He mock about him being half Demon and him being human. He couldn't take as he attack him when he mention he would hurt the Christian girl. I pull him out as he find out that our older brother and Zel has feelings for the Great Goddess and Vampire Duchess. And about the Werewolf Princesses who they smell like dog and blood. You girls, really need to take a shower" he added which they blush and sniffs each other.

I was shocked as Abigail stated she will fight him but Damien refused her getting hurt as it turn into a arguments between the princesses and the three demons. I place my hand on my stomach and protect it since I don't know what to do. We will be targets which Meliodas and they can't protect us while fighting against his evil father. What I can do? I don't want to lose the baby. She's very precious towards me and Meliodas. "I think Elizabeth along with Abigail, Gelda, Astrid, Luna, Hawk and the doctor werewolf needs to leave the Demon Clan" Meliodas spoke up that shocked everyone in the room as my eyes went widen of pure shocked. What? Abigail seem to agreed with him as Zeldris ask him why.

"Because it's the most wisest thing to do. We four can defeat him but we can't be worry and protect them at the same time. Abigail is the Goddess of Wisdom and she's one of the wisest person than anyone of the Gods. I hate the idea of letting Elizabeth go but I don't want her to get hurt" he soon stated which they were speechless. He's right, he can't protect me while he's fighting. Despite how much we don't want to leave each other, we can't bring ourselves seeing the other getting hurt. Astrid and Luna soon nods as they went fast to get Ingrid. Abigail soon called out Merlin to get us while Meliodas place his hand on my cheek as I looked at him. I felt warm by his touch.

"I'm sorry for doing this but I can't loss you. I love you so much to loss you. I wish we could have more time together. I love you as I'm letting you go for keeping you safe along with our daughter. I love you, Elizabeth" he whisper softly with a smile which tears falls from my tears as I smile towards him. "I love you too, Meliodas" I said as he kiss my forehead and pull me into a hug. I heard the girls return with Ingrid as I heard Merlin standing behind me. We pull away from the hug as Merlin take along with the girls around her. Meliodas smile as I did too before hearing loady shouting.

"Goodbye, my love" he said as Merlin quickly teleported us before the big scene begins.

I hope we can meet again, Meliodas.

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