Chapter 7 He's What?

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Elizabeth's pov

''WHAT!!! HE'S WHAT!?!?! THAT JACKASS FIRST BLACKMAIL YOU! THEN HE'S CHOOSE YOU AS HIS FREAKING HANDMAIDEN AND NOW HE'S CHOOSE THE GREAT GODDESS OF THE GODDESS CLAN AS HIS DAMN SUITRESS!!! AHHH!!!!'' Astrid roar in fury as Hester was in shocked. Abigail and Gelda sighed while I couldn't help but to blush and drinking my drink. It's was morning which Meliodas have to leave to deal with his father and leaving with the girls eating outside in the gardens since me, Gelda and Abigail are the personal 'slave' of the Demon Princes and Astrid and Hester...the guards were beat by them. I was wearing a white collar dress with dark marron tie over it as my back was expose, with white clothing shoes with dark marron ribbons on it. This clothes were given to me by Meliodas after his left which I blush more by him taking care of me. It's hard to feel this way for him and questioning if he's falls for me. ''Astrid, clam down or they will sense your lycanthropy and vampiric powers and aura, even your eyes are color changing'' Abigail said which Astrid sigh while seeing her large fangs biting her lip and sharp nail like claws daggering the table.

Yep, she's very mad now with Meliodas and thinks he wants to do something 'horny' on me. That the part I'm trying to figure it out. Hester soon heavily sigh and saying we will be here forever unlit the all clans come to get us. I sigh and knowing there's no doubt my uncle will come and get us but what will happen if Meliodas tries to get me back? I couldn't help but to think about that way and feeling my heart slightly arching. Hester soon asked me what's wrong while I play with my strands of my hair. ''I'm thinking about if we leave and what Meliodas do. I bet he would go rampage for me and get me back since he's wants me but I feel like I...don't want to leave his side'' I soon mutter which Hester looks pure shocked as Astrid spilt her drink on the ground in shocked. I blush more while they shouted 'WHAT'. ''Oh dear Artemis and Cocidius, you're falling for that blond prince bastard?! Jesus Christ! Wait, don't tell me you two are falling to the other scumbags princes here?" Astrid asked which Abigail and Gelda soon were shocked and burn up. 

I was shocked by that. Abigail and Gelda...falls for Damien and Zeldris? Oh God. Hester soon fall out of her chair while Astrid slam her face on the table and start moaning like wounding animal. I guess we shocked them. ''Great, our childhood besties and the Vampire Duchess falls for the most darkest bad boys in this earth. Why you do this to us!? God!'' Hester howl while I told them that Meliodas is very kind to me and saying he's defend us when Estarossa tried to accursed us. Astrid and Hester nods as saying if he ever hurt me, then they will murder him when they find him. I nods as I told them that I have to return to his room since his meetings ends at 2:00. They nods as Abigail walked with me since she's doesn't want be to be alone in the castle. I nods as leaving the gardens and going in the castle. Abigail sigh and saying Astrid and Hester are always right about this kind of stuffs which I look at her. ''So you really have feelings for Damien?'' I asked which she nods and sighing more. I know that Abigail has never fall in love before as well, most of the guys likes her for looks.

I don't know what Damien did for making her fall for him but it's most been something that related to his past. Everyone here in Demon Clan always have a sad past. ''You know, it's okay what you feel about him. Believe me, I'm still trying to figure out these feelings for him. Lets solve this together, right?'' I smiled which Abigail looked at me in slightly shocked before nods and giving a smile. I smile more unlit we heard a familiar laugh which we turn around and seeing only person who's annoyed Meliodas, Estarossa. He was walking towards us with huge, mischief smirk. Abigail pull me back and looked protective as his smirk grew more. "Well, my older brother has been very attracted with his slave these days which it's rarely to me lot and his big idea of getting the Great Goddess as his bride. What did you do with him, you Goddess" he's said shocking us.

Oh no. He's knows about him. Abigail was about to attack him but he trap her with his darkness which I shouted her name while I face him and his evil smirk. "Don't worry, I won't harm you or that woman. But I want you to leave my older brother since he's better off being a ruthless king than being a weakling with those disgusting feelings for you" he said which I looked at him with upsetting. What? No. I'm not leaving him. I soon told him that I rather stay with him than leaving him like coward which Estarossa soon laugh and look at me wildly and assumed. I don't like him. I don't like him lot. Estarossa was close to me while I glare him at him as Abigail told me to fight back and not listen to him.

"Oh my, are you fiercely? Well, I will tell you this to abandon my older brother's. He's doesn't care about you, he's only used you for his doing and he's wants your body. He doesn't know how to love someone but to hurt them like trash and nothing. You being with him, he will definitely rape you like how our father did it with our mothers. After all, he's his little clone who's carrys his evil blood like how that story does, he's doesn't even lo-" Estarossa was soon cut off by Meliodas who's stab him and throw him to the floor while he's furious. Meliodas like he's about to kill someone. "What the hell you told her!?" He asked harshly which bloom the room while he laugh and giving a mischief smirk again.

"About leaving you, brother. Ha! She's better off with Goddess or Angel since you're rotton with evil and cruelty, bastard! You will end up like our father!!!" He nearly shouted which Meliodas span and stab him on the neck which he's chock as he's cough blood. I was shocked before I notice Damien release Abigail and have her in his arms and look protective. Meliodas soon release a pure black and darkly aura that I could sense danger. Oh no. "Meliodas! Please clam down! Don't listen to him! He's lying to you!!" I shouted as I hug him behind which I felt him stop and and turn around to me as he unstab Estarossa. He's looks like he's clam himself before giving a serious face. "Damien! Tell Derieri and Monspeet to take Estarossa to the dungeons of Purgatory! I have something important to do now" he order as shocking me.

Huh? What happening?

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