Chapter 20 I'm yours

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Elizabeth's pov

"Jeez, you guys. Stop getting all cuddly all of a sudden. If not, I'm sure Astrid and Luna will be furious at you" I soon heard Hawk's voice which I pull away from Meliodas as seeing Hawk standing at the door. Oh my God, he see us?! I soon blush like crazy as Meliodas mental groan and looked at Hawk who's walked towards us and sat down on his mini bed. "I'm sorry about what happen in the morning, Hawk. I didn't meant to scared you but...something was wrong with me, so I didn't want you or Elizabeth being harm. I need sometime alone by myself" Meliodas apologize which Hawk nods and saying that he's glad that he's alright and come back to his senses again. Meliodas smile as he hug me behind and cuddling me more.

I burn up slightly as I struggled with his touch. I was glad that he was alright but I know that Meliodas have to control his demon since he's has the blood of his father. I'm not sure if he can control himself from losing control. He didn't hurt me but give Hawk a heart attack. I guess I'm worrying about him and worrying he will lose control of himself and letting the his darkness control him. I shouldn't be this worry now. "Elizabeth are you alright?" I soon heard Meliodas's worry voice which I told him I was fine and adding I was getting lost in my thoughts. Meliodas sigh while I shook my thoughts away as we start our day. Meliodas didn't want to leave my side and stay with me as Hawk was telling us stories about his life with his brother and mother. Such sweet piggy. I smile more while enjoying this feeling and moment with him. Meliodas always made me so comfortable and safe with him.

I...really like living here but I don't know how my uncle will take it? After all, I'm the heiress of the Goddess Clan. ''By the way, I heard from the maids and workers that you and Elizabeth are getting in arrange. That great but does her uncle, the Sovereign Angel Michael knows about it?" Hawk soon asked which I looked at him in shocked as Meliodas slightly cough. Oh my God, how I forget about the arrangement. He so going to kill me. Meliodas soon said that my uncle doesn't really know about 'us' and the arrangement. Hawk soon nods while my face was burning like crazy. I'm surprised that I haven't faint. "You have to talk with him since that's Elizabeth's uncle. If you don't ask his permission for Elizabeth's hand of marriage, then he won't let you have her as your wife or queen" Hawk point out which he was disappointed right about it. I soon felt a huge anger, dark and dangerous aura around us which Meliodas's grip become tightly. Oh no. 

I soon turn around and seeing Meliodas with completely emotionless glare as his eyes only show fury, no...wrath. He lost himself again. ''Elizabeth belongs to me, only me. I don't give a damn about what the old man thinks or his goddamn permission! She's mine!!!'' Meliodas harshly spanned that Hawk froze in terror and fear as I looked at him in shocked. His demon come out. Meliodas soon looked at me as his aura become worst and worst. He pull me closer to him while I start getting a little nervous but I know, he wouldn't hurt me. I really know it. ''YOU'RE MINE!!!" he shouted like a roar of a beast as I notice Hawk was shaking and looked at me super worry like I'm going to die. I soon place my hands on his cheeks which shocked him before I pressure my forehead towards his. ''I'm yours, Meliodas. I'm not going to leave you" I softly and gently spoke which shocked more as his raging aura soon clam down and disappear. Meliodas soon clam down as his emerald eyes soon show up which me make smile. 

He's back. ''Elizabeth, I'm sorry for spanning on you, and you too, Hawk. I don't know what's really wrong with me. I never get this so anger and territorial towards you when you stay with me. What the hell is really happening with me?" Meliodas soon asked which I hugged him tightly. He hug me back while my worries got worst. He's right about not being so angry or like he's trying to show like he's owns me. I'm very worry about him now. Why he got so angry when Hawk mention my uncle wouldn't let him have me by his side? "Umm, Meliodas...I know this isn't really my business or I don't really want Astrid and Luna being furious at you but...did you and Elizabeth have...err...mated each other?" Hawk soon asked which my face went to lava bits. Eh?! Oh my God! why? I was embarrassed while Meliodas cough again and nods which Hawk went pale. I was very confused why Hawk asked us that which we did. 

Meliodas soon asked him why he ask us about us having sex which he looked at us. ''In the animal kingdom like wolves, lions or Purgatory creatures. The males who are the Kings or Alphas of the packs, prides or tribes get very territorial towards their mates who are pregnant which lead many of the members to not trying to upset them. What I'm trying to say is....I think Elizabeth is pregnant" Hawk said which full shocked me and Meliodas was very speechless by his words. I-I..I'm prengant? I was so shocked to believe but there again, Angels and Demons pregnancies are the most rarest of the whole clans because it speed up. Normally, for us does to weeks but if the angel or demon of the royal family have sex with human or someone else does more faster. Angela is Half Angel...Damien is a Half Demon. I'm not fully sure if I'm really am. ''I think we need to find out since it's early" Meliodas soon suggest which I nods as Hawk give us a pregnancy test which shocked us. 

"How did you-" "It was at the infirmary which I stole before the Royal Doctor find me" he said which we nods as I went to the bathroom and try before returning back to the Demon and the piggy Purgatory creature. line means negative and two lines means postitive. I was so nervous as Meliodas hold my hand to clam me. I heavily sigh as it soon show the results... was postitive....Oh my God...

"'re prengant"

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