Valentine's Day (Characters X Fem! Reader)

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I do not own the art

I do not own the art

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     "(YYY/NNN)!!!" My boyfreind, Yuri, yells running down the hall toward me scaring the other people in the hall in the process.

     "What. I just got to the good part," I say waving my book in his face.

     "Don't you know what today is?" Yuri pouts giving me puppy dog eyes.

     "It's Friday," I say knowing full well what he means but he interupted my book so I'm gonna annoy him.

     "Come on (Y/N) you know what I mean," Yuri says whining.

     "No I don't now let me finish my book," I say continuing to read my book.

     "Yes you do and stop paying so much attention to that book," Yuri says taking the book from me and running off with it.

     "Hay give that back!" I say chasing him throught the halls of duel academy.

     How could he take my book! My preasious book he is soo dead. I was just getting to the good part! If he wanted my attention he could have done it some other way but nooo he just had to take my book. I chase Yuri all the way to the duel academy garden. Where Yuri has stoped and sat down on a picnic blanket pulling some food out of a picnic basket next to him. My book! I spot my book next to the basket. He closed it! He closed my book! How could he?!

     "How could you!? Now I'm going to have to look for my page all over again! I yell storming over to him.

     "Relax I marked your page you can finish reading it after the picnic love," Yuri says handing me a sandwich.

     "Relax I marked your page you can finish reading it after the picnic love," Yuri says handing me a sandwich

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Yusei Fudo

     I curl up under my blankets, in my bed feeling terrible for two reasons. One, I'm sick and can't get out of bed. Two, my boyfriend ,Yusei, spent a ton of time planning our Valentine's Day date and now I'm sick. I poke my head out from under the blankets when I here someone knock on the door.

     "(Y/N)! I'm coming in!" Yusei calls out a few seconds latter he opens the door.

     "Hi, Yusei," I say in between coughs, my voice sounding extremely raspy and sore.

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