With All my Heart (5ds! Jack x Fem! Depressed! Reader)

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I do not own the art

Requested by: 4208546a

Disclaimer! This chapter will have self harm in it so if you are uncomfortable with that I suggest you skip this chapter.

     I run through the streets of Satellite to Yusei's hang out worried that something bad might have happened to Rally since he was going to visit me today but he never showed. I'm worried something might have happened to the kid since he's never been late for one of our meet ups before. I run into Yusei's hang out hoping that everything's ok. Entering the tunnel I look around and try to assess the situation, Yusei is soaking wet like he decided to go swimming in the ocean, Rally, Blitz, Nervin, and Tank all look fine, troubled but fine. Then I notice it Yusei's duel runner is no where in sight.

     "Guys what's going on? Why's Yusei drenched? Where's the duel runner?" I ask my heart pounding in my chest.

     "Ah (Y/N)! What are you doing here?" Rally asks walking over to me.

     "I came over here because I was worried something might have happened to you since you didn't show up to hang out earlier today. So what happened?" I ask.

     "Jack," Rally replies.

     I can feel my pulse quicken at the mention of the guy I've had a crush on for years now name. "What about Jack?"

     Rally looks down and takes a deep breath, "I know this will be hard for you to believe but, Jack kidnapped me and then used me as bait to lure Yusei out to the docks, then he stole Stardust and the duel runner."

     "W-What," I ask trembling not wanting to believe what I just heard but knowing that Rally would never lie to me.

     "I'm sorry (Y/N) but it's true," Yusei says.

     At those words I can feel something in me break as I collapse on the hard cement. Jack left he betrayed Yusei and left.

     'and it's all your fault' says a voice in my head.

     'yeah it's...  wait how is it all my fault,'

     'you could have stoped him you could have done something anything,' the voice replies.

     'that's right I could have talked to him more I could have done something it's all my fault that he left it's all my fault it's all my fault...' is all I can think before I pass out on the cement.


     It's been a little more than two years since Jack left for the city for the past few months I've been staying with Martha. I'm hanging the laundry out to dry when I hear a air plane in the distance. The cloths start to blow around in the wind as the plane approaches, I snatch a couple of shirts that where about to blow away. I can see the plane land in front of the house. I can feel a pit form in my stomach. I run through what has happened in the last few months that could have gotten us in trouble. Nothing come's to mind. Did I so something wrong  again Martha's never gotten in trouble before it's probably my fault again. I run around the house worried that something might have happened. Rounding the last corner I freeze, I can hear my heart ponding in my chest as I spot Jack on one knee in front of Martha doing the thing he used to do when we were kids.

     "J-Jack!?" I exclaim just as he finishes.

     "Ah hello (Y/N) it's been a while hasn't it?" He ask a nervous smile on his face.

     "Yeah, how have you been and what are you doing here?" I ask smiling.

     "I've been good and I'm here to help Yusei and the other's defeat the dark signers since I have the mark of the crimson dragon," Jack says not looking me in the eye.

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