Chapter 1

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"Copter!!!" a loud voice sounded really mad echo in the house, summoned a seemingly innocent man, who only ran when he heard his name called. Once the innocent man, with white skin, blond hair and a little skinny, like a malnourished person come near to the person summoned him, he just bend his upper body 45 degree, afraid of what will come next, but something he cannot run from. "What is this?!! Why are my clothes all mixing in color? How long have you done this, yet you can't do it right. I'll tell Dad, don't think you will have any food tonight." The big guy supposedly 2 years older than Copter, said it loud and clear while his index finger pointed at the head of the Copter several times, making Copter more miserable than he is now. It wasn't something new, yet it hurts every time. He knew he screwed it this time, making a mistake, mixing the white shirt with color clothes without him realizes it with all the stack of the clothes he need to washed.

'No food again tonight'. He sigh, making a slow steps through the back door to the little house, just a little bigger than a dog house, a space enough for him to sleep, bending his foot close to his stomach. Well, it is cold at night, when you sleep without any blankets, pillows and not to mention, mattress, bending your body in half is necessary to fight the cold. He only had a glass of water and bread today, with all the chores he had to do by himself, he felt really tired and hungry. He doesn't even have the energy to cry, when he knew there is no use of crying, when no one will care. But still, tears will still falling down when all you feel is tired, afraid and sad is understatement, but still he is sad. Those people in the big house in front of him once he called his family, they used to laugh together, play together, eating together, and lots of things together. Yes, he knew they might not like him, but he never thought they hate him to the point of hating his existence.

He really missed all those times, the time when his mother, a woman he called mother was still alive. She is the only person who sincerely cared about him, love him unconditionally and he really love her too. But his life change 360 degrees once his mother died, of hit and run accident. It's all because of him. She died because of him. She died because of him. That's why, in a way, he think he deserves all the punishment in the world, because he is the reason his mother died. No matter how tired, how badly the treatment they gave to him, he cannot blame them, for this all happened because of his fault.

He doesn't realize he fell asleep, when he open his eyes, it almost 5.30 in the morning. He needed to wake up, to make breakfast for everyone. So, when he tried moving his limb, he hissed, for he can feel all the joints hurt and sore of working nonstop without any food in the system. And the way his sleeping doesn't help at all, but still he feel thankful of the little rest he can get, and a little place called privacy, even though it wasn't near to called it decent. So he wakes up, going out from his privacy space and walk to the backdoor of the house, without realizing a silhouette near. Well, basically he doesn't have anything, so being careful of his privacy place is not one of his concerns, but still he never knew of what will come.

So, he went straight to the kitchen, for today is Tuesday, the menu will be American breakfast. He starts by prepared the frittata, an egg-based Italian dish similar to an omelet or crust less quiche or scrambled eggs, enriched with additional ingredients such as meats, cheeses or vegetables. Then egg sandwich,French toast and also toast, for all four guys in the house have big appetite.He also prepared fruit salad; make a jug of coffee and tea. He even afraid to take a little of all the food laid on the table, for he is afraid of getting caught. He got caught once, and they beat the hell out of him. It was a nightmare, with no proper treatments, yet his still need to work as usual,doing all the chores by himself. Though he feels really hungry, he never wants to repeat all that.

Once he finished prepared the breakfast, he took all the tools he needed to clean the whole house for his dad is really meticulous about the cleanliness, so he need to do his work properly every day. He is mopping the floor when his dad getting down from the stairs. He wanted to greet him, but he will not spare a glance at him and just making his way to the dining table to take his breakfast, before head to his office. He just took a seat, when his second child running down the stairs and pounce on Copter, making him fall immediately. "Where is my phone?" He yelled while punching Copter several times. Mr. Anupam come near and pulls his second son, Oat from keep punching the small guy.

"What happened?" he asks. "Dad, I just bought my new phone yesterday. Yesterday he put all color on my white shirt, now he even steals my phone. Who else would steal in this house, Dad?!" Oat said in harsh voice while pointing on Copter, who still lay down, trying to process the situation him in. "Stand up!" ordered Mr. Anupam to Copter, and Copter trying to stand up with difficulty, of pain and less energy. "Give him back his phone, and I will let it passed this time, with a promise no repetition of this whatsoever. Am I clear?!" Copter startled with the loud voice of Mr. Anupam. "B...b..but Dad, I....I...I d..don't take a...any phone." Copter replied startling. "Son of a bitch! You steal and you are not even confessed or feeling guilty at all!!!?" Right after Oat said that, Mr. Anupam dragged Copter by the hair making Copter winced from all the pain while begging him. "Please dad, I'm sorry. But I didn't take any phone, please trust me."

He begs while crying. He saw Oat smile behind him while followed his dad dragging him out of the back door to his little place he called his privacy. "Oat, search his place and took out the entire thing inside his place!" His dad ordered while still gripping hard on Copter's hair. Oat bend his upper body to enter the small house since he is a little taller than Copter, and taking all the things out from the space. While he is doing it, the eldest and the youngest come into the scene, not knowing the full story, trying to understand the situation. Still the eldest, Somchai join Oat in checking every single things that Oat taking out, which Oat join him later. Few minutes later, Somchai found a phone, which Copter doesn't recognize, among the little things he had inside.

Seeing the object in Somchai's hand Mr. Anupam, let go of the hair and punch Copter on the face. "Ungrateful child! I gave you food, I gave you place to stay, this is all you did?" Mr Anupam punch Copter repeatedly while saying all the words bitterly. There is nothing Copter could do to prove his innocent. He wanted to beg for forgiveness for the things he didn't do, but by all the punches he received, he could not utter a single word. The youngest, Sunan only watch the whole situation while trying hard to keep the tears from falling, afraid of his father and brothers notice how he actually cared about the Copter, who always cared about him since little. He wanted to stop his father, but he knows his father's rage.

Once Mr. Anupam felt tired from all the punches until his knuckles bleed, he stopped. And Copter, barely conscious lying down on the other side, bleeding from the forehead to the neck, basically the whole face trying as hard as he could to stay awake. Mr. Anupam gets up from the sitting position, walk slowly approaching the barely conscious Copter and look him straight to the eye. "From today onwards, you don't know me, and I don't know you. I don't need an ungrateful child in my house, and you are not even my son. Be grateful I didn't kill you today. Somchai and Oat, take him and dump him beside the lake, there will be less people around. Let him bleed to death or whatever. I don't want to see him anymore. Do it now."

Somchai and Oat did what their father asked them to do. Bring the small Copter into the car wasn't even a problem since he is so skinny and speed to the lake just like Mr. Anupam ordered them to do. Oat is smiling all the way to the lake, giving idea to Somchai of what really happened, but he doesn't give any damn, because it is not his problem. He just doesn't care, as long as he is not affected. "Why don't we just killed him before left him?" suggest Oat make Somchai turned his head to his brother on the passenger seat. "Why?" he simply ask. "Just because I hate him." answer Oat. "But I don't kill people I hate. I just ignore them." Replied Somchai. Oat chuckled. "Then let me did it my way, I can do it alone." Says Oat who still eager of the idea of killing a brother he hated all his life, with all the attention he got from others, especially his late stepmother.

"Well, I won't let you do your way because I'm here too. Don't you dare opposed me." Says Somchai vehemently make Oat dissatisfied. But he knows he shouldn't be on his brother's bad side, if he wanna live in peace. Once they arrived at the side of the lake which hidden from the road or any pedestrian, Somchai stopped the car. Both of the brothers pick Copter up, who had been lying on the backseat of the car, and put the now unconscious Copter behind the bush nearby. Once they put him there, Somchai and Oat left with the car without waiting any minute, afraid someone will saw them.

End of Chapter 1


The image I will using in this story wasn't mine. it was something I downloaded from the internet. credit goes to to the respective owner.

I hope the chapter wasn't too long nor too short. since this is my first time writing here, I hope it wasn't that indecent. hope you all will like it. I'm not used to using POV, so for this story i will use general writing. Please comment and vote. Thank you

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now