Chapter 24

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Itthipat's words were really get into him and he wanted to be stronger and stronger for the love of his life. When Copter opened his eyes the next morning, he was greeted by the smiling Kimmon he loves so much. For that he felt blessed. When Oat was punching him and kicking him to the point he can't move, and all those stabs he gave him, he thought he couldn't make it alive. The only things he had in mind is his P'Kim and he afraid he couldn't see his smile again. Yet here he is smiling to him as brightly as ever, warming his heart again and again.

Kimmon: "Good morning, Sunshine."

Copter: "Good morning, P'Kim" Copter reply in stuporous state he was in and was trying to sit up which Kimmon was helping efficiently; carefully, slowly and softly.

Kimmon: Kimmon then gave him water to drink only to cough it out making him hissed in pain. Kimmon was rubbing his back and his chest, trying to ease the pain as much as he could. "Slowly, Cop. Coughing will only make you felt pain more. Do you want to eat? Jingjo had brought chicken porridge earlier. It was still warm." Copter was nodding his head for he can still felt the pain when he cough just now.

Kimmon: "Let me feed you okay."

Kimmon was carefully open the thermos of the chicken porridge and took a spoonful from it. He was blowing on it before giving it to Copter. Copter was slowly chewing it, for he didn't want to cough again, because it was really really painful. Copter can only consume up to few spoonful of the porridge then he politely decline for he had no appetite anymore. Kimmon was trying to persuade him to take few more spoonful, but then he just shaking his head. Kimmon just cave in on it and giving him water to drink. This time Copter make sure he was drinking slowly and carefully.

Once Copter finished breakfast, Suthee arrived and approach them both. "How are you Mr. Copter?" Copter was just smile to him, doesn't really knew how to reply. "Let's talk outside. Cop, rest for a while okay. I'll come back and we can have you refreshed, okay." Said Kimmon then making his way out followed by Suthee.

Kimmon: "How is it?" Kimmon ask once they were in area safe enough to talk.

Suthee: "With the help of the youngest, we can trail those two brothers and their friends to their hiding place. Once we got them, I hand them over to our people on the border, they were the best in torture department and were told they were thrown in to the woods this morning."

Kimmon: "Alive?"

Suthee: Yes, barely.

Kimmon: "Will they survive?"

Suthee: "Depends."

Kimmon: "You followed usual procedure?"

Suthee: "Yup. Quiet and dark."

Kimmon: "How did the youngest help?"

Suthee: "Approach by real cops, suspected burglary. He more than eager to help, he was the new punching bag in the house once Mr. Copter was gone."

Kimmon: "Keep an eye on him, and their father too. Report to me regularly. Who with Preeda right now?"

Suthee: "Ice."

Kimmon: "Put Ice on Copter from now on, in disguise. You can go."

Kimmon was coming back to Copter only to see him crouching on the floor.

Kimmon: "Cop, what are you doing? Why are you down here?" Kimmon was fast pulling Copter bridal style and put him back, in sitting position on the bed.

Copter: "I wanted to go to toilet, P'Kim."

Kimmon: "You should have waiting for me. Come let me take you to the toilet." Kimmon pulling him up bridal-style once again.

Copter: "I can walk P'Kim"

Kimmon: "No, can do. Let me pamper you and I want you to just enjoying it. I will do this whenever I feel like it. You will be with me forever, so bear with it."

Copter was blushed red to the statement. Forever sounded sweet, and his heart melting, and pounding fast to the point he can felt the pain caused by it.

Kimmon: "You have to control your emotion, your heart beat may accelerate your breathing, it can caused you pain."

Copter: "Your fault, P'Kim. How can you be so sweet talking with that straight-faced of yours? I hate you. This is really painful."

Kimmon: "And I love you." He said smiling and kissed Copter's forehead before leaving Copter with his business.

True to his words, Kimmon was actually being full time nurse for Copter, refused to hire any nurse. He even change the dressing of Copter's stab wound, instructed and monitored by Itthipat. The first time he did, he can't stop crying for he can see all the stitch on the wound on Copter's body thinking the pain afflicted by it, and how much Copter had to endure it. Copter was just giving him smile, swallowed in the pain he felt, while wiping the tears on Kimmon's face while he changed the dressing. After finished Copter's dressing, he will wipe his whole body with wet cloth, alone, of course and Copter can't help but be shy every time Kimmon changed his underwear, he would close his eyes every time, making Kimmon chuckled at the reaction.

Later that evening, Bas arrived with a pile of files for Kimmon to checked and sign. Kimmon took the files straight away while Bas checked on Copter. "How is it going? Did you feel better?" Bas asked. "Better than this morning. But that guy sometimes make it worse." Bas frowning. "How?" Copter was whispering to Bas so that Kimmon won't hear him say, "He can be corny, how can he make sweet caption with straight-face of him, making me nervous. It was painful, when my heart beating so fast you know." Bas was laughing so hard on Copter's complaint making Kimmon scowl at his seat, but Copter's was pouty.

"You are so cute, you both are." Said Bas while pinching Copter's cheeks make the guy pout harder, if even it's possible. "Wow, what make my little Bas laughing so hard? I didn't knew you can make jokes, Copter," Itthipat appeared and commented when he listen his Bas laughing so beautifully at whatever jokes Copter was making. He come straightly to Bas and kissed his forehead. "It was funny and it was cute, P'Godt. I'll make sure you laughing hard later after I told you." Copter was still pouting. But Kimmon just keep focused on the documents he had, for he wanted it finished as fast as he could. "Did the painkiller wear off already?" Asked Itthipat, checking on Copter. "It is starting to. But I can still manage it." Itthipat was giving him comforting smile. "Hold it for another half an hour. If it unbearable before that, let me know, okay." Copter nods his head.

They were chatting and laughing when Tee come with his IV pole followed by Tae from behind. Tee took a seat beside the bed and Tae was standing beside him. "How are you, Ter? I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Tee was crying while holding Copter's hands in his. "It wasn't your fault P'Tee. I know you fought so hard, but those guys were big and outnumbered. Of course you can't beat them. I never blamed it on you even a little. P'Kim too. Nobody blamed you, so, you shouldn't blame yourself P'Tee." Said Copter while wiping Tee's tears for he knew the guy was blaming himself for whatever happened. P'Tee wanted to hugs the small guy but been stopped by P'Kim. "Later, Tee. You can make it worse if you hugging him now. And he was right. None of this is your fault nor Tae. This is the fault of the bad guys, so don't dwell on this anymore."

Itthipat was smiling widely for he knows Kimmon being positive right now. "And I don't want you to make my Copter cried again, it wasn't good for his healing process." Hearing the 'my Copter', everyone else were laughing except for Copter who was covering his face, embarrassing for that statement. Yet again, he felt his heart warm in this spectacular environment behind his eyes right now. 'But how come his P'Kim be all grumpy?' he was smiling to the thought.

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now