Chapter 36

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Triing! Triing! Triing! The siren went off before Arun had the chance to answer Kimmon. "Shit! We had intruders!" Only he can say. Kimmon turns his head to Suthee while his hands never let go Copter's hands which now was trembling. "Suthee, where's the team?" Suthee put down his phone then turn his gaze to kimmon. "Only Ice. Other's on the way." Kimmon then turns to Arun. "Uncle, is there any back door we can use?" Arun nods his head. "There was an emergency door and exit in case of emergency." Kimmon then turns to Copter. "Cop, please follow Uncle Arun together with Preeda. Bas and Itthipat will be with you too." Copter was shaking his head. "What about you, P'Kim? Let's run together."

"Godt, please, cover for them. We will be here distracted them."Kimmon then turns to Copter once again. "Cop, please believe me. I'll be back. You have to be safe, okay." Bas was pulling Copter who was still shaking his head while his hands still cannot let go of Kimmon's hands. Copter was still looking at Kimmon's face until he was lost from his vision. That's how they were parted. Copter, Bas, Preeda, and Teerasak were in the middle, while Arun leading the way and Itthipat will be at the back.

While Kimmon, Suthee, Tae, Tee, Krit, and Wuttichai approach the intruder and was fighting with them. Later on, Ice was joining them. There were at least 15 intruders in black, who are good in fighting. But Kimmon was Muay Thai fighter himself, Tae and Tee have a black belt in Taekwando, Suthee and Ice have military training experience, so their team wasn't that weak. Except for Krit and Wuttichai, but Wuttichai was using tricks, which he does best, in avoiding punches and steals chances to strike. While Krit just keeps punching in the air. He might not fight like the others, but he had his own fighting spirit under his sleeves. Though he got hit a lot, and Ice was covering for both of them.

It was a great fight, with all the black guys fainted on the floor. They barely caught their breath when they heard a shot had been fired. "Copter!" Kimmon was running right away. "Ice, handle them, make sure no one escapes," Suthee said before sprinting to where Kimmon left off following others.

Once outside, Kimmon could see Itthipat was straddling a black suit guy on the floor, already fainted, Bas was hugging frightened Preeda, Arun and Teerasak were trying to calm Sunan who had his left hand on Copter's neck and right hand was pointing a gun on Copter's head.

Copter: "Sunan, Please......."

Sunan: "Shut up!!! I hate you to the core right now. And I hate you, even more, when I knew I had helped people like you" Sunan was whispering while stressing his every word.

Sunan: "Don't any of you dare to come close! I'm not hesitating to pull this trigger, to bore hole into this shitty head of Copter."

Kimmon was struggling, and frustrating. He felt weak looking at the gun which was right on Copter's head, just above the right ear. He knew he had to do something, but he knew he can't jeopardize Copter's life. All he could do was only glaring at the guy full hatred and resentment.

Kimmon: "Cop......"

Sunan: "Now, turn the engine on, and open the door." Sunan was pointing on the car they were planning to use to run off from the scene. When Itthipat was starting the engine, Sunan was looking at his fainted man. He curses under his breath.

Sunan: "Copter, you will have to drive us out of here."

Copter: "Sunan, I don't know how to drive. You know that."

Sunan: "You have to drive. I do know you were smart too. Drive or die!"

Sunan was stressing the gun on his head, making everyone more nervous than ever. With a suppressed cry, Copter was nodding his head. Kimmon was shaking his head, try to think of anything he could do as of the moment, but was frustrated when he knew he couldn't do anything. Sunan had dragged Copter to get into the car and force him to sit on the driver's seat, through the passenger seat. Once Copter settled on the seat, Sunan shot once again, aiming to the tree across the car, making the bullet going through right in front of Copter's face, making him shudder more. He was stunned for a second, trying to processed what had happened, until he heard Sunan's voice once again. And everyone was shocked and they were getting the message, for Copter's sake.

Sunan: "Bear in mind that I'm not hesitating a bit shooting him. If any of you were following us, I'll kill him right away."

Sunan was taking his seat on the passenger seat, with the gun still pointing at Copter, while giving him orders on what he had to do in order to move the machines and making the tires rolling. Once they were slowly driving into the main road, Sunan was lowered his gun and aimed to Copter's hip, while keep giving him orders. It was a slow run, but Sunan was confident, no one would follow them.

Copter: "Why are you doing this, Sunan?" Copter was trying to slow talk after some time of the quiet drive. Though he was nervous while driving, his vision straightly focused in front, afraid to tilt his head even an inch. Sunan still didn't want to reply to him, though.

Copter: "I was really missed you and was hoping to see you again. But never crossed my mind we would see each other again this way."

Sunan: "You know what, I was wondering my whole life why our brothers hate you so much. I thought it wasn't fair for you to be hated that way, and later even our father hates to see even your face. I was trying to ask them multiple times, and they just say, they just hate you. When our brother's died..."

Copter was shocked. He didn't know Oat and Somchai was dead. He wanted to turn to Sunan to ask further, but he just couldn't turn his head but to look straight on the road. He knows they were nothing to him but bad, still to him they were his family at one point, and to that, his tears were falling down. Sunan was giving out a little laugh.

Sunan: "You didn't know? Seriously? I thought they were dead because of you, I guess not then. They must have had lots of enemies for them to die that way."

Sunan: "Anyway, later when they died, father was drinking one night. He might be a bad father, but he still loves his sons in his own way. He was muttering like how much he had hoped for them, that they shouldn't have died young. And there was your name. You know what he said, this is all because of you. You were the reason everything was turning badly. I was curious, so I asked him further. Then only I know, our mother was actually our mother, not yours to begin with."

Copter was shocked was an understatement. How much shocking news he had to take for one day? He knew all along that his mother wasn't his, but to be their real mother.....but why??! Why would she lie to him? And Sunan? Sunan has every right to hate him, he knew his stepmother his whole life, but to get to know she was his real mother this late...... why???! He wanted to shout, but he knows he can't right now. He was gripping the steering wheel hard until his knuckle turns white, suppressing his turmoil inside him.

Sunan: "Your parents were helping father with his sinking business, avoiding him from turning bankrupt. Mother was just working for your mother at that time, right after having me, when father starts having problems. She was running and hiding, for the reason, father didn't know too, and was coming back home years later with you. Well, he did everything mom asked to, regarding you, even though he didn't like you at all."

Copter was trying hard to not let his outburst out in the open. It was hard for him to know that his whole life was a lie. And on top of that, most people had died because of him.

Copter: "Then why are you doing this to me now? Why not just kill me, Sunan!"

Sunan: "I will, eventually. Not before you suffered, Copter. Not before I will........"

It was an unfinished sentence when the car had been hit on the passenger's side making the car rotate a few times before it was stopped in the middle of the road, forcing other cars to stop abruptly. It was an intentional car crashed, yet people still called it an accident, when the other vehicle, jeep type vehicle, stopped normally at the side of the road. Two-man in a black suit coming out from it and taking unconscious Copter together with unconscious Sunan and putting them together into the jeep. Just like that, they were driving away, fast.

End of Chapter 36

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum