Chapter 15

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They both were seating at the veranda in Copter's room, enjoying the view of the big town, for the mansion was on top of the hill. Once Copter was calm down from his outburst, they decided to take the seat at the veranda. After sometime of a pregnant silent, Kimmon start the talk. "Copter, will you be honest with me if I were to be honest with you?" he ask. Copter's nod answer his question. "Then, I'll let you ask me whatever question you have for me. I will answer all your questions, and then I will ask you questions, and promise me you'll be honest with me. Will you?" Copter's staring straightly deep in Kimmon's eyes. It wasn't doubt, because he knew the guy was a good man he ever known, but he knew he was worried. What if Kimmon will hate him once he knew how useless he was? What if......

Copter push aside all the negative thoughts and focus on his promised to himself half an hour ago. The guy was patient enough waiting for him to calm down and start this conversation they both badly needed. So here he was, taking in the deep breath and gave Kimmon a big smile as big as it can be. He wanted to reassure himself as well as the good guy in front him. "I promise to be honest this time P'Kim." He finally said, making Kimmon sigh of relief. While waiting for Copter's answer, Kimmon was afraid, the young guy were still not ready yet, but still he patiently waiting. If he was truly not ready yet, then be it, but whatever it is, Copter will stay. That is the only option he had. Once hearing Copter's answer, he was feeling thankful. He hope things will just get better.

Kimmon: "Ask me anything, Cop."

Copter: "P'Tee tells me you wouldn't laugh for over five years. Why would you?"

Kimmon: "He didn't tell you anything?" Copter shakes his head.

Kimmon: "Preeda was still at high school at that time. I have just finished my studies and just lazing around for a while before starting to work at our company. It's only been a week of rest, then everything turns upside down. It happens so fast, I couldn't keep up, and I was weak."

Kimmon stops for a while to take a deep breath while studying Copter's response. The said guy just patiently waiting, without any interruptions, for he believes the young guy must have been wondering a lot. But instead of asking, he chose to wait. He felt thankful for that.

Kimmon: "It was supposed to be a usual Monday morning. Our parents on their way to the lunch appointment, but since my dad had an important meeting at the company, they were heading out earlier. I received a call from Mr. Arun, our family butler at the time, Bas's father and rush to the hospital only to find out they both have already died. Mr. Arun then telling me they were shot, attacked by unknown car. I was stunned by the news, and also by the fact that I've lost both of my parents, few hours later I was told our company on the brink of bankrupting, since most of biggest clients were taking out their contracted and some of the suitable clients even canceling their orders. I can't even handling their funeral properly when Mr. Arun dragged me to the company, to take over and handle everything from the scratch."

Copter was now hugging Kimmon tightly while listening to the guy's story. He was crying a river too, he hopes he can ask Kimmon to stop, but he thought this is the only time they will talk about this, so, better yet, let him finished.

Kimmon: "I was struggling, the company was struggling for more than 6 months. We couldn't afford to pay full salary to all staff, everything just got half. When most of the staff quit, things got harder, I was thankful to everybody that help me along the way. The company recovered, but personally, I don't. It was like I was thrown to the deepest hole, it was dark and cold. I couldn't let myself out. I was trapped there for years now. But Copter, I wanted you to know, you are the one pulling me out from that darkness I was in, I don't know how you do it, and why is it you, but apparently you did."

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now