Chapter 22

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"Copter, are you ready?!" Tee was shouting from downstairs, once he arrived at the mansion. His car was in front of the lobby, with the engines still on. He came to pick Copter for they promised to going out, spending time together. Copter then running slowly going downstairs. "Am I wearing okay? My hair?" Asked Copter once he was beside Tee. "Perfect. You should slow down on fashion Ter, or P'Kimmon will never allow you going out." They were laughing once Tee finished his sentence. "Have you called P'Kimmon?" Copter nods. They were walking side by side to Tee's car. "I did. He said to enjoy and be careful. The event just started, so the next two hours, he said he might can't answer the phone. But asked me to call whenever, he might be able to pick up."

Tee was shaking his head. "He was worried too much. You'll be fine. We'll be fine." Copter just shrug to the comment and they were on the way to the Bangkok Sea Life Ocean World, for Copter was never been there, and Tee was sure, Copter will love it there. Sure enough, Copter has really loved it. At this time of the day, there were not so many people at the place, so Copter could enjoy the view with heart content. There was so much sea creature in so many shape big aquarium, he did felt like he was underwater, watching all those fish. And the feeding show was amazing, Copter was really enjoyed the day.

"Let's have lunch at my house. I'll cook. Then maybe, we can call the two best friends to join us. Their event should be finished by now." Suggest Tee once they were out from the Ocean World. "Why don't I cook? It's been some time, and I've never had a chance showing my cook talent to you guys." Said Copter. He wasn't allowed to cook at the mansion. Kimmon doesn't like him doing any chores at all, since Copter was working doing it for 6 years. He just didn't want to make Copter remember any of those memories. "Well, I kind of curious about your cook talent. Why not?"

Once they have arrived at the house of Tae and Tee, Copter and Tee was heading straight to the kitchen. He was been here once before, so, practically he knew his way in the house. They were planning to cook white rice with a few side dishes with chicken, fish, some vegetables and juice. Copter would have to look what ingredients he would have to have the idea of the menu. Once he was sure with the menu and with all the ingredients, he start to cook. He ask Tee to just relax or watching him, for he was not used to other's help in the kitchen. Tee was mesmerized by how much efficient Copter was in the kitchen with multiple tasks at one time.

While Copter in the kitchen, he was trying to reach Tae or kimmon, to ask them to come back for lunch. But he couldn't reach any of them, but he did send them messages. He will try again a few minutes later. Before he was dialing their number again, he heard footsteps and the doors opening and closed at the front. Tee was heading there, thinking it might be Kimmon and Tae. "Why didn't you pick ...up...", but was shocked to see different faces. "Waiting for someone? Perhaps Tae? How careless of you, leaving front door unlock. You know, this house should be my house with Tae. You weren't supposed to be here." Tae's ex with another 4 friends has actually invaded the house.

"What are you doing here? Get out of my house!" Tee yelling to the uninvited guests. Hearing the loud voice of Tee, Copter was curious and walking to the front with a bowl of curry on his hands. However, his step halted for he sees familiar faces and automatically his body shivering in fear, making the bowl on his hand dropped, making a loud echoed in the house, and all the others are turning their head to him. "P'Somchai.... Oat." he can barely mention the name. "Copter? You are still alive." Oat, who was coming from behind Somchai was trying to walk passed Tee, but Tee was blocking his way. "Where do you think you are going?" Tee asked. "You know, I originally come here to help my brother play with you, and these friends of mine, they were looking for a punching bag, just to fill their desire, you know. And that guy over there had piqued my interest. So I will be enjoying my time today with that guy, my brother, and my friends will play with you."

Before Tee could ever do anything to Oat, Somchai and the other guy already attacked him and Oat was heading straight to Copter. Copter was stunned, he wanted to run, but his leg wouldn't move. "Hi Copter. It was a miracle you were still alive. If not because of P'Somchai, I would have killed you already. Well, tell you what, I've got a second chance! I got to play with you today, and I got to kill you today. No one will stop me today, Copter." Once finished his sentence, Oat was strangle Copter using his strong hands and throw him down the floor making Copter slide, hitting the foot of the table. Meanwhile Tee was fighting with 4 big guy and slowly getting weak by the punches and kick he got.

Oat was pulling Copter up again just to give him punch on the face a few times making Copter's face bleeding for every punch was targeting different places on his face. Once Copter was down again, Oat was kicking him hard on his stomach so many times. And every time he kicks, he would giving away harsh words to Copter. Copter wanted to fight, but he just couldn't have the chance, since Oat was attacking him nonstop. One time he would straddle above Copter and punching him again and again. And one-time Oat would kick Copter so hard that he was sliding, hitting the breaking glass on the floor, hurting him.

When Tee was almost unconscious, Somchai heard the car approaching the house, so he was giving a signal to the others to get away and on the way to the back, he was pulling Oat, who was still stabbing Copter to get out from the back door. Once the main door open, revealed Kimmon and Tae, they were shocked to see the state of the house. "Tee," and Tae were seeing Tee right away, barely conscious. "Cop, Cop, where are you?" Kimmon was looking around for Copter only to find him unconsciously and bleeding near the kitchen table. He was quickly taking the guy and putting him on his lap. "Cop! Cop! Tae call the ambulance and Godt! Cop, Oh my god. Cop, please. Open your eyes please....aaaaaaa...Cop!"

They were in ambulance, Copter was on the stretcher, wearing oxygen mask, after the emergency staff giving him first aid. Tee were sitting beside Copter, holding his hands while keep calling his name. Tee's wounds were treated and since he is conscious, they didn't put him on the stretcher, but still need to do further checking in the hospital for any cracked or breaking bones. Kimmon and Tae were following the ambulance by car. Tae was the one driving for Kimmon's situation was worse. They were already calling Itthipat, and that's where the ambulance heading to. Kimmon was shivering, he was a crying mess. He couldn't eliminate the image he saw earlier. Copter was on the floor, and the blood was everywhere. His hands and his shirt were full of Copter's blood too. That was making Kimmon shivering more.

Arrived at the hospital, Itthipat already waiting at the emergency door and take Copter right away to the emergency room. Tee too was brought by other doctor to the emergency room. Kimmon and Tae were sitting silently in the waiting area. They have drifted away in their own world of emotions. 15 minutes later, Bas, Preeda, and Suthee come running to the emergency waiting area, asking about the two. Preeda comes close to her brother, hugging him, making him a crying mess once again. Suthee who was standing beside Preeda actually waiting for any instructions from Kimmon. Once Preeda let go of Kimmon, Suthee comes nearer. "I only need the who," is the only instructions given, and Suthee already on the wheel.

End of Chapter 22

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ