Chapter 20

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Kimmon was checking the bruise Copter's got from the woman's hit. The bruise from last night wasn't even healed, and yet another bruised was added. His right hand was cupping softly on Copter's cheek while watching him sleep. He couldn't help, but his heart bleeds for the most beautiful guy in front of him. Trouble seems love lurking around Copter and he had to endure a lot of pains, even without doing anything. This vacation supposedly was an enjoyable moment, and he was planning to give Copter happiest experience through this vacation yet it turns out oppositely. After a while, he too settled in the blanket, cuddling the young guy, promise to himself over again, to always make Copter's safety a priority. Never had he will leave him alone again, ever!

Copter was wake up from the hot feeling. True enough, he was engulfed in the hug of some guy with the blanket up to his neck, even though the air conditioner was on. He was patted at the arm of the big guy, intending to wake him up, for the clock showing 5 pm. "P'Kim, wake up. I want to watch the sunset. Please wake up." A few minutes later Kimmon opens his eyes to a pouty Copter making him panicked. "Why? Are you hurt?" Copter was shaking his head. "No, I wake you up but you wouldn't open your eyes. I thought you will never wake up anytime now since I wanted to watch the sunset badly, but I was afraid of going to the beach alone." Kimmon was smiling while looking at the clock.

"I'm sorry, and you were right. From now on, I will forbid you going anywhere by yourself, you must go with me or a friend, but never alone, understand?" Copter nods his head for the incident had made him traumatized enough. "Let's wash our face and change to more casual attire, then we will enjoying the sunset you badly want to see, come."

The 3 days 2 nights vacation at the beach house was quite enjoyable to Copter and Kimmon, except the incidents at the restaurant. After the incident, Kimmon had decided they will order only a takeaway or deliveries, and enjoying the view from the beach house, while having their meals, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. On the third day morning, after the kissing and making out, as usual, Copter will rush to the bathroom with a boner. After getting out of the restroom almost 15 minutes later, he was joining Kimmon for breakfast. "What time we will be going back?" Asked Copter. "Around noon. Cop, I want to ask you something." Copter was looking up at Kimmon while munching on his sandwich and nodding his head. "What are you doing in the toilet after our every kissing and make out?"

The blunt question from Kimmon making Copter's blushing red, hearing the kissing and make out part. Kimmon wanted to make sure. Throughout this vacation, they were kissing and make out more frequently, though the reaction of Copter's still the same. However, every time he checked in the toilet, there was no evidence of Copter masturbation in the toilet. He can't help but wonder. Thus the question. "I was taking my time to calm down, of course." The bluntly answered by Copter was stunned Kimmon to the core. "You wouldn't, I mean, have you ever....hmmm, masturbate, Cop?" Kimmon was feeling quite uncomfortable with the question, but he had to know.

"What was that? I don't know what it is you are talking about," Said Copter with a straight face while still munching on his Sandwiches. Kimmon was shocked, was an understatement, making his sandwiches fall on the floor. "P'Kim, please eat your food properly. It's not good to throw around the food." Copter was picking up the sandwiches. "Don't you have morning woods? How you dealt with it?" asked Kimmon, trying to get the full picture. "I don't know what's with all the questions P'Kim. Of course I will have morning woods from time to time, I'm a perfectly healthy man, okay. I'm having my first wet dreams when I was barely 16, it was hectic. I thought I was peeing in my pants when I told Sunan about it, he was laughing at me, telling me I'm a big guy already for having wet dreams. And about having morning woods, and since I have a fast cold shower every morning, the morning woods just been dealt with, since I had to start working early in the morning. And the toilet I was allowed to use doesn't have hot water. Was it answer all your questions? Can we eat peacefully right now? It was very nasty of you to talk about my sexual activities while having breakfast."

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now