Chapter 32

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Copter was shocked and stunned, and stilled. It was the first his P'Kim would yell at him, and he was astounded. He didn't know what to do, what to say, or even what to think. Slowly he make his way to the bed, and lying on it, pulling the blanket covering his whole body. The rib started to feel pain, and the heavy and fast breath he had now for holding his feeling it all in make it worse. He didn't care even it hurts that much. What he felt inside his heart was worse, surpass all the physical pains he had.

"Ter..., are you okay?" he heard the voice, he knew who it belongs too. But he doesn't had the energy to replied or do anything about it. Slowly, he can feel the hands of the guy uncovering him from the blanket, but he just didn't care. "Ter, you can talk to me, you know that." It was Tee. He and Tae arrived when he saw the rest of their friends was waiting outside the wards, telling him that they were giving both the lovebirds space to talk things out. Well, he was smiling at that, for it was the first they had to quarrel, at least for them to witness it. Not until they heard how loud Kimmon's yell was. Kimmon had never ever raised his voice to Copter, and it was the first, and he can guess it will be worst to Copter. What make it worse was that stupid buffalo guy just left like that.

Everybody was stunned, to say the least. So, when they saw Kimmon rushing out from the room and heading to the outer staircase of the building, it took almost 30 seconds for anybody to react. And Itthipat was the first to recover and was running to Kimmon direction, fast. "Tee baby, take a look on Copter. We'll be here discussing other things." Tae was next.

So, here Tee was beside Copter, trying to talk to him. Once again, he had to face with a mouth shut Copter. What make it different this time, he was face to face with a stoic unfocused face of Copter. He didn't give any reaction to his calling, or asking. "Ter, talk to me na. Ter, you know how much P'Kimmon loves you, did you?" Tee keep talking just to fish out any reactions from Copter which is right now, none. "Ter, P'Kimmon just stressed out, na. He didn't meant to yell at you." Copter was still the way he was, just staring into space.

Meanwhile at the top of 15th floor outer staircase, Kimmon was calming himself down while taking the breather on windy afternoon. He was frustrated with himself for acting out. "Why would you do that, Kimmon?" Asked Itthipat. "I don't know what else to say, Godt. He was being stubborn today. He was never acting this stubborn, and he wouldn't even listen to me. The mansion was now full of reporter, I wouldn't want all this affected him more than it was now. You know, right?"

Itthipat: "I know, but he don't. You decided not to tell things to him, Kimmon. How would he know how critical the situation was?"

Kimmon: "You know...."

Itthipat: "You said yourself, Copter was a bright boy, a fast learner, even understanding at that. He was the strong guy you fall in love with. So what's with all the secrecy? You were over protective of him that you don't even know what happened around you."

Kimmon: "What do you mean?"

Itthipat: "Have you ever asked him the reason why he wanted to go home?"

Kimmon: "Of course it was about him missing Mike and Star..."

Itthipat: "Are you sure?"

Kimmon: "What are you trying to say?"

Itthipat: "Nurse Jan had come to see me this morning. She was afraid you heard about it and will take actions to any of them, so she was apologizing beforehand."

Kimmon: "About?"

Itthipat: "Copter was overheard the nurses talking about you. Well, they were talking all the good things about you, I guess Copter was feeling uncomfortable with all the attention they gave you, and so, he decided to confront them. He told them you were his and asked them nicely not to seduce you whatsoever."

Kimmon was smiling widely, so smitten that he forgot the main reason they had the talk to begin with. Seeing that, Itthipat hit the back of his head. "owww, Itthipat. What was that for?"

Itthipat: "Why are you smiling? I wasn't finished."

Kimmon: "Sorry, please continue."

Itthipat: "But there was this one nurse, she wasn't really 'agree' with boyxboy issue, was facing Copter. She was telling him something like he was the bad impression to you, and he was ruining your image and that he was taking advantage of you. And the most important thing she said that Copter was just a passing moment to you, which you will come to find another good women in your life eventually. Leaving him. The good thing was he didn't break down, but he was not okay either. You see, maybe the reason of him asking you to get out from this hospital was because he was afraid that nurse was right. Instead of thinking about himself, he might be thinking because of you. You know him, he was a selfless person to begin with."

Kimmon was frowning, thinking hard about everything Itthipat was saying.

Kimmon: "What should I do?"

Itthipat: "What do you wanna do?"

Kimmon: "I wanna see him, apologize to him."

Itthipat: "Then what stopping you?"

Kimmon knew why he was afraid. He was afraid Copter would still be angry at him and wouldn't want to see him. But he badly want to see his beloved Copter, so screw it. He was running to the ward room as fast as he could. Once reaching there, he can see Copter was giving his back to Tee and how much Tee had tried to make his Copter talking.

Tee: "Ter, please look at me na. Everything's gonna be okay, you just have to believe it. You have to believe on P'Kim too. He was not gonna leave you, ever. Ter, please. Ter, look at me na."

Kimmon was coming close to Tee and put his hand on Tee shoulder, signaling him to give some space to him and Copter. Tee was nodding his head slowly, then leave them both.

Once outside, Itthipat and Tee were arrived at the same time joining their other friends. They was in a room, supposedly serve as pantry for the guardian of the VVIP patients. Since the only patient of VVIP wards was Copter, it's up to them only to use the room.

Meanwhile, in the ward room, Kimmon was taking a seat beside Copter's bed, facing Copter. He was quite shocked to see a deep sleeping Copter, instead of a crying Copter. Copter wasn't someone who will sleep off his unsettled feeling. He was someone who could cry all night, or maybe took him sometime to sleep, if he even felt tired. He fix the blanket, then give him a peck on Copter's forehead, before head to the room next door, the pantry.

Looking at confused Kimmon had, everybody were frowning. "Copter?" Asked Tee. "He was asleep. Did somebody gave him any medication before I came?" he asked Tee back. "A nurse. She said it's about time he got his shot." Itthipat come close to Tee and showed him the picture of the nurse he was talking about. "Is this her? I was the one who administered his medication Tee. i would never let a nurse do it." Tee was shocked and looking at the picture Itthipat was showing him. He can recognize right away, because of her eyebrow design was catching in his eyes. "Yes." Curious, Wuttichai was taking the phone from Itthipat's hand. "Shit!" He cursed under his breath and running pass Kimmon out the door to the ward Copter was supposed in, followed by everybody, even though they don't really understand what happened.

Sure enough, the bed was empty. Even the toilet, or any space they had in the room. "Itthipat, call security now! Asked them to guards all the doors. They was just going out, they cannot be far. Wutt and Bas, go to the security room and check all the security camera. Call your dad Wutt for access. Tee, help Kimmon." Tae was giving out orders and everyone was quick with their feet and hands. Except for Kimmon. He was stunned, and his tears just falling down. Tae was left Tee with Kimmon to call Suthee and his men. "P'Kimmon, please, you have to be strong. We have to save Copter." Tee was trying to shake Kimmon from his exasperation. "P'Kimmon!"

End of Chapter 32

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now