Chapter 11

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"Bas, you should eat more. You work so hard, helping this bizarre guy, so you need to eat more, okay." Saying Itthipat while putting more foods in Bas's plate. "Stop calling me bizarre. But you are right, you need to eat more Bas, so you can help Copter tomorrow." Said Kimmon while smiling. Itthipat and Bas stop what they were doing and look at Kimmon who oblivious with his friends reaction to him. After a while, Itthipat and Bas continue eating their meal, in silence. Bas and Itthipat having late lunch together at the seafood restaurant, Bas's choice, when Kimmon joint later on. He wanted to discuss with Bas, out of office and out of the mansion.

"What do you meant by helping Copter, P'Kimmon?" Ask Bas after a few minutes of silence. "I want you to train him, to be a good personal assistant for me." Answer Kimmon, while Itthipat looking at his watch. "Guys, I do really want to hear about Copter, but my lunch hour is about to end. So, tell me later, ok Bas? Bye guys." Once Itthipat left, Bas continue the hanging conversation just now. "I'm not sure P. You need me more, and you are my priority. And why me, you can always assign others to train him, P." Bas trying to talk Kimmon out about the priority, and definitely, Copter not one of it. Kimmon knows who Bas is. They were growing up together like brothers, and he knew him in and out. Bas is a very serious and tender person. He seldom showing his feeling, but Kimmon knew how to interpret Bas's feelings just by looking at his facial expression, which he doesn't show much.

Just like now, Bas trying to make a professional comment regarding Copter, when he knew his request irritate the guy. "Because I want to train him to be as good as you, so you could focus entirely on the company's business, instead of tending to my needs. I wanted Copter to be my personal assistant, Bas." Bas was really shocked by what he heard just now, and it hurts him, too. "Are you trying to push me out, P?" Ask Bas, wanted more explanation from Kimmon. "No, I want to set you free. Instead of being my butler, I wanted you to be the CEO assistant at the company. You've done a lot more than you deserve Bas. You don't have to look after me anymore. And......" Before Kimmon continues, Bas cut him in the middle of his words.

Bas: "But I promised my dad and your parents to always looking after you"

Kimmon: "You can look after me as a friend, Bas. And I'm sorry for being a weak person, Bas. All this time, I know, I depend on you a lot. Because of your promise, you forgot your own dreams. And Itthipat, is already old news, but I know, you love him as much as he loves you. I wanted to let you free, but I know I need you, so I keep holding on to you. I'm sorry for being selfish. I need you to do me this last favor, and then I want you to focus on your own life instead of mine."

Bas: "But why Copter? I know you just like you know me P. I never blamed you for anything. Everything I did is my choice and my own decision. P'Godt understands that. I told him not to wait for me, but as loyal as he is, he still there, waiting, you know him. And Copter? He doesn't know a thing about you. What that would make me if I left you just like this?"

Surprisingly, Kimmon smile at Bas. Bas know, since Copter, Kimmon smile coming back as naturally as it should be, and he is beginning to come back to an old Kimmon because of him. The cheerful bastards who only know how to make jokes and make people laugh. Honestly, he really missed an old Kimmon, and now he is slowly coming back. How happy that makes him. But Copter to replace him? He doesn't think that is the wise decision. "You'll know later on why I did this, Bas. All I need right now is your willingness, because I'm not going to force you into anything, even things regarding to Copter."

"I don't know why you are doing this, and I still think this is not a good decision, P. However, just like always, I will trust your judgement and decision. I'll take Copter, but you have to know, I'm not going to be easy on him, just because of you. And I cannot neglect my other task in the company for more than a week. So, that's it. Take it, or leave it." Bas decision making Kimmon smile widely. "Trust me that is more than enough. Thank you, Bas."

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now