Chapter 13

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"If you referred to the clear definitive of a relationship between Copter and me, I don't have the answer. Come on, man, it's only been a few days, what do you expect?" Kimmon answer, feeling a little bit irritated, even though he kind of expect that question will pop-out somehow. But he never thought it was this early. "But you care for him?" Itthipat keeps throwing Kimmon the question, despite the irritation of Kimmon's tone. Kimmon takes a deep breath before answering the question. "I don't know how I don't know why and I don't know since when. But yes, I do really care for him, and it was really frustrated me when I knew he was having problems, but I don't know what to do to help him." Answer Kimmon, letting his frustrated sigh out loud.

Itthipat: "I think you need to refer him to professionals. He needs help. Why don't you ask Mr. Jaruji for help? He is one of the good psychiatrists and furthermore, he is a friend."

Kimmon: "I'll think about it. I need to talk to Copter first."

Bas: "Then letting him work right now wasn't really a good idea, it seems. We'll continue when he is ready. I'll handle the company, P'Kimmon, you can focus on him."

Kimmon: "I'm sorry Bas, I hope you would not hate him for this."

Bas: Bas was quite shocked by the statement. "Is that what you think all this time? P'Kimmon, I might not say it out, but I was thankful to him too, for our Preeda. It was never hated, but sometimes I was kind of suspicious of the boy, I was afraid he was taking you for granted. But with everything happen, I push aside all the doubt, so no, I will never hate the boy. So you know."

Kimmon: "Thank you, Bas."

Then it hit Kimmon, he doesn't understand himself, of why with the 'thank you' to Bas. He was having his doubt, that maybe Bas doesn't like Copter living together, a stranger with zero information. They don't know where he came from, who his family is, and most importantly, his involvement in anything that can jeopardize them in any way. But still, Kimmon believes him, and Kimmon cared for him. There was something about him that drawn Kimmon to him, in every way possible.

Later that night, Kimmon head to his room with an unsettled feeling. The pale face of Copter not breathing really hit him hard. It keeps coming into his mind. He was scared. Really really literally scared he will lose Copter at that time. This feeling inside him keeping him awake, and he couldn't sleep a wink until 2 am in the morning when he received a call from one of the guards.

Guard: Sir Kimmon, I'm sorry to disturb you late at night, but it was something regarding Mr. Copter. I believe your order still in force, everything regarding Mr. Copter should be reported to you.

Kimmon: Kimmon shocked hearing the guards mentioning Copter's name. "What's wrong with Copter?"

Guard: "A few minutes ago, he was asking me to open the gate, he said he wanted to get out, telling me for taking a stroll. He was asking me not to disturb your rest since you were really tired today. But I don't feel right, that's why I'm calling you Sir. I'm sorry if......" The guard wasn't finished when Kimmon interrupts him.

Kimmon: "How long? He had been out?"

Guard: "10 to 15 minutes now, Sir."

Kimmon: "Find him and take him home, now! I'll be there in a minute"

Kimmon coming out from his room while trying to call Copter's phone. While at it, he opened the door of Copter's room only to see the phone was on the bed. He cursed under his breath and rushing out to the gate. It was more than 100m, almost 10 minutes of walking, but it was taking only 2 minutes and a half for Kimmon to reach the gate with the speed of his running. There was a guard waiting at the gate, while 2 others are looking for Copter. After a few minutes waiting for any news from other guards, one of the guards had to send the news of finding Copter over the radio but mentioning Copter who refused to go back. After making sure the location, Kimmon himself went to the area where Copter was, just to drag him back home, whatever it takes.

Arriving at the area mentioning, he can see Copter was sitting on the pavement while the guard making sure to block a road ahead. Once the guard saw Kimmon approaching, he bowed taking a few steps back, to give Kimmon space to talk to Copter.

Kimmon: "Where do you think you are going in the middle of the night?"

There's no response from Copter. He was just looking down at the road and fidgeting with his fingers.

Kimmon: "If anything happens to you, have you ever thought about me? What would make me feel?"

This time, Copter raised his head looking up at Kimmon who was standing right in front of him, with an unreadable expression on his face.

Kimmon: "I care about you Copter. Why are you running away from my house? You already promised me to stay here. I thought you are someone who will not break their promise. Am I wrong about you then?"

Copter still giving the silent treatment to Kimmon, but this time Kimmon can see Copter's expression changing, but still, he couldn't read it right, maybe because the street light doesn't really help, but enough to see each other's face.

Kimmon: "Let's go home and talk. If you don't wanna talk right now, we'll talk tomorrow. We can go back now so you and I can rest. Come."

Kimmon stretches out his right hand to Copter. Copter just looks up alternately at the hand and Kimmon's face still hesitating whether to hold the hands or if he actually have another choice. In the end, he holds Kimmon's hand and followed him slowly walking back to the house, with Kimmon not letting go of his hand all the way to the room.

Once in the room, Kimmon pulled him straight to the toilet. "Wash your face, and then sleep, I will be sleeping here with you." Copter's a shocked expression now visible to Kimmon once he heard what Kimmon says. "I will sleep on the floor if you were not comfortable to sleep on the same bed with me. Whatever it is, I'll be here with you." Said Kimmon, vehemently. He was scared, angry, wondering and of course, tired. He was confused with everything right now. He should be scolding the young boy right now for the actions he was never expected of the young boy, but he was wondering why he even cannot raise his voice to the boy, not to mention scolding or even punished him for anything.

A few moments later, after they both finished washing in the toilet, Kimmon spread the bedding on the floor right next to the bed and lie down, after making sure the young boy had lied down on the bed, covered with the blanket. He was staring straightly on the ceiling while thinking and planning what to do to help the young boy. He was actually waiting for the young boy to be open to him about everything about himself. He thought maybe all the boy needed was the time to warm up to him and be open. But the current situation really had put him off guard, for everything he was planned for the boy was going indefinite, and he was hating it, because to him, that means he failed. His mind was drifting somewhere else when he realizes Copter was squat beside his bedding while pouting looking at him. Oh my, that was reaaaaally cute and he couldn't help but stare to the cutest creature he has ever seen in his life.

Without saying anything, Copter pulled his hand, making him out of his reverie, and at the same time forcing him to get up and pulled him straight to the bed. Copter push him slowly to sit on the bed and say, "Just please sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the floor". Before Copter can walk to the bedding on the floor, Kimmon pulled his hand fast. "Nope. No one is going to sleep on the floor, let sleep on the bed together. The bed is big enough for two-person. Come, lie down here or we both will not have any sleep tonight." Reluctantly, Copter follows Kimmon to lie down on the bed, side by side. All they did were staring on the ceiling with the mind of their own and like that they were drifted to sleep.

End of Chapter 13

Pertinacious Kimmon, Hapless CopterWhere stories live. Discover now