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Anakin's POV

The past week I've found myself walking in the room of a thousand fountains, everything about that place was calming and quiet. I've never spent too much time in there before but for some reason, the place was calling to me. 

It was the middle of the day and warm light was shining down on the garden through the glass ceiling. Younglings and Padawans were sitting on the grass and by some trees to learn how to meditate, I remembered doing the same with Obi-wan except none of the attempts ever worked. I leaned against a rail and looked over the massive garden down below which was like a jungle, the whole room radiated calm and wisdom. The nightmares of Darth Vader haven't stopped and I keep getting visions of what could happen, I closed my eyes and sighed trying to let go of everything.

I opened my eyes and looked at the ground trying to figure out what these visions mean and if it's really showing me the future.

"Troubled Skywalker?" asked a voice from my right.

I looked up and Plo Koon was standing there leaning against the rail as well.

"A little bit," I replied.

"Anything I can help with?" he offered.

I shook my head and looked back out at the garden.

"Eeth Koth managed to get his hands on the security camera in the Chancellor's office, he showed us the fight and I must say it was quite impressive," he commented.

I gave him a small smile and Plo Koon placed a hand on my shoulder, we walked through the large gardens and down a path where there were no Jedi or Padawans.

"We've barely seen you since the battle, are you sure you're alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I've just been sorting out my thoughts and trying to wrap my head around everything," I sighed.

Plo Koon nodded and we walked in silence for a little while.

"Ahsoka has returned with Master Yoda, she's been worried about you," 

"I assume she told you about the argument we had," I stated.

"Yes, she also understands that it wasn't a good time to try and talk about it and regrettable things were said on both sides. But she understands," he continued, "You two need to talk about what happened, putting it off isn't going to fix anything,"

"Maybe it's for the best if things aren't fixed," I said after a pause.

Plo Koon gave me a sharp look and waited for me to go further.

"After everythings that's happened, I don't think I'm the right Master for her. I knew I wasn't ready to take on an apprentice and maybe if someone else was her Master she wouldn't have left the order and she would've gotten proper help," 

Plo Koon placed a hand on my shoulder and reached into his cloak pulling out two familiar lightsabers.

"I was the one that found Ahsoka when she was 5 and I wanted to train her when she became a Padawan but that wasn't up to me. When Master Yoda told me that she was training under you, I will admit I was sceptical about it, but after I saw you two working together I knew that it was a good decision for both of you. She needs a young Master who can understand her and listen to her ideas, you don't see it and neither does she but the force is stronger within you two when you're around each other," he said, "If it wasn't for you Ahsoka would be in a cell right now, but she isn't because you proved her innocence,"

I nodded but on the inside, I was still conflicted by it all and still didn't know what to do. Plo Koon held the lightsabers out and I took them and flipped them over in my hands.

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