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                                     RUHI'S WEDDING FUNCTIONS


I was a hell lot busy with all the marriage functions that are held in the most royal way possible. Well why not Rajput's only princess was getting married.

Yeah Ruhi my best friend and Balwant my guy bestie more like brother is getting married.

I was torn between these two, as they both want me to attend their each and every function.

Besides I had a hell lot of responsibilities to perform. I was incharge of Ruhi's dress decoration make up and the list goes on.

Anyways I was really happy for the two love birds who were soon tying the knot.

As I had to attend both side so we decided; in mehndi and pheras I would be on Ruhi's side.

And on Sangeet and barat I would be on Balwant's side.

He winced as he knows; me on her side was a big trouble for him as I have planned to rob his pocket with the girl gang.

Today is the first function that is haldi.

I was excited would be an understatement.

I was jumping in joy as the elderly started the ritual.

After they were done with him it was our turn 'the youngsters'

Me and his cousins grinned at him evilly as he warned us.

"Guys don't you dare" he warned trying to sound as much confident as he can.

"Or else what?" his cousin asked him challengingly.

"I ... I..." he tried coming up with something but none.

"You what Balwant?" I asked him smirking. He looked at us with a pleading look but we all ignored it.

"You know what guys forget it" I said and he visibly relaxed.

All looked at me and I grinned at them. I picked a hand full of haldi uptan (termaric paste) in my hand and painted his face with it.

"What the.." he was about to curse but I cut him off.

"No, you can't curse, you promised her" I reminded him smiling sweetly.

It's not that he curse often but he does it when he is angry.

Once he cursed Ruhi when they had a fight and he begged and I mean literally begged her for forgiveness. She forgave him but the condition was he won't curse ever again.

"Yeah, whatever" he grumbled and muttered something to himself; I was sure he was cursing his fate.

I was still thinking when someone suddenly applied haldi on me.

His cousin took me off guards. In return I painted her in haldi and the game started everyone was running chasing and having fun.

We clicked lots of pictures and I secretly took Balwant's pic so that I can show my art work to Ruhi and we can laugh our but off.

After we all were tired we retired back to our rooms and cleaned ourselves.

It was time for mehndi function so I rushed to Ruhi's place.

I got her ready in her dress and got ready as well. She was looking gorgeous.

"Hey, you looked Gorgeous babe" I said as I sat next to her.

" Yaar, I am nervous." She said as she took my hand.

"Hey it's ok. It happens. Balwant is a nice guy; I won't give you away to just anyone" I replied jokingly trying to ease her nerves.

"What if I couldn't be a good wife to him?" she asked me.

"you guys are perfect for each other" I replied with a assuring smile.

She was about to say something when I started

"Ruhi enough, I know you are nervous; even I am for you guys, but I believe he won't let you down, hurt you or anything of that but if he do so he know I would be ready to kick his ass" I said and she chuckled.

"I don't know what I would have done without you" she said and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"thank you; for everything" she said breaking the hug.

"I know it was you who pushed that idiot to propose me" she said and I was shocked .

"You knew it" I asked her still recovering from the shock.

"I know you are the cupit here" She replied grinning and nodded in agreement.

"well you two were meant for each other, I just played the perfect cupid here" I said grinning widely.

Our sistas moment was interrupted by none other than Rajput brothers themself.

I gave them a quick glare before I headed out to give them privacy not before warning them.

"Don't make her cry, her make-up took hours to be done" I warned.

After that function went pretty well with no tears and emotional drama.

By the time the function ended I was exhausted.

I changed in comfortable pajamas which Ruhi gave me. I was sharing room with Ruhi as she wanted to spend some girl time with me and her cousins.

After the fun games with girls we hit the bed.

Next morning we woke up at around 10 in the morning.

Today was the sangeet function and it was a bride vs groom.

Since I was from groom side today so I quickly did my daily business, got ready in a simple jeans and top and headed down stares to have my breakfast.





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