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The deal between the Khan's Co. and Rajput's Co. was finalized and it was a joint project. Experts from both the companies came together to work for the betterment of project.

It's been almost a week since Sneha and her team is being working in Rajput's Co. office and she was very grateful to the fact that all this while she doesn't have an encounter with Karan. But to her dismay she was walking deep in her thoughts when she bumped with someone and almost lost her balance when two strong arms caught her before falling.

When she saw who it is, she almost jumped on her place. It is Karan holding her close enough that she can hear his fast beating heart. She was lost in his eyes when a voice brought her back to reality.

Her eyes snapped to the woman as she straightened herself.

"Hii, Karan darling" a women came and cling to him, she felt her inner self boiling. She suppresses the urge to through her off the building right now.

"What are you doing here Netra?"He asked in cold tone harshly pulling her off him.

"Well, you know for a business deal and also to see you" she said flirting

"I don't want to do any business with your company, and by any chance I do I certainly don't want to see you in this office ever again; business or not. Am I clear?" he said in calm yet threatening voice

"But..?" She was cut by his authorative voice

"Am I clear or not miss Netra?"She just nodded and ran off crying but for some unknown reason Sneha felt happy that he doesn't have a thing for her.

"Uhm, Mr. Rajput I would like to excuse myself" she said and almost ran with her high heel and in the process she strained her leg.

She tried getting up but failed due to the unbearable pain. Karan came and without a word pick her up in his arms in a bridal style. She was shell shocked.

"What are you doing? Put me down" she asked him shuttering.

"Helping you" he replied casually.

"I never asked for your help" she said stubbornly insisting on putting her down.

He just rolled his eyes at her.

She gasped "did you just rolled your eyes at me?" she asked him.

"You shouldn't be running with these heels on" he said ignoring her question with concern clear in his voice.

"Why do you care?" she blurted out. He didn't said anything.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, struggling in his arms although she felt safe when he is around but she can't show it that she trust him.

He entered his suite which is attached to his office and laid her on the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked hesitantly.

"Shh....first let me treat you" he said his voice calming her down as he treated her ankle.

"If you needs anything call me and take some rest I will be out working in my office" he said standing up to leave for his office.

"Uhm....Mr. Rajput can I ask you something" she said hesitantly.

"Sure" came his short reply

"Uhm......can we have the lunch, please. I am a bit hungry" she said as her stomach growled making her embarrassed.

"Sure" he said smiling at her and ordered the food for her. After some time their food arrived

"Here, have it" he said and was leaving when she caught his hand and asked "what about you?"

"I have a lot to do, I will have it later" he said shrugging his shoulder. She pulled him back on to the bed.

"No, it's not good to skip meals. So, you will have it now; with me" she ordered him.

"And why should I listen to you?" he asked her amused at the fact that though she didn't remembered him she still feels the authority to order him around.

"Look, work can be done afterwards. First comes the health and besides I don't like eating alone" she said the last part sheepishly smiling at him.

"You know no one dares to order me around" he asked her amused.

"umm... I ... I was just" she shuttered. He cut her off laughing his heart out

"I was just kidding with you" he said with much difficulty between his laughter.

She looked at him smiling at him "You should laugh more often; you look good when you do so" she blurted out without thinking.

He stared at her. He can see the Sneha, he loved and who loved him. She still care for him unknowingly; unknown to the fact that she once loved him.

"I will order my lunch then" he said composing himself.

He was getting up to order his food but she interrupted him.

"No, there is enough food for both us; we can share, only if you don't mind" she asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders " I don't mind sharing" 'with you' he said the last part in his mind. They started having their lunch.

"By the way, how do you know all my favorite dishes?" she asked him.

"Uhm.......I just guessed" he said avoiding the topic.

"Have we met before?" She asked him.

"I don't think so" he lied as he promised her father that he would never approach her again.

"Uhm....Mr. Rajput when was the last time you had a lunch on time?" she asked him thoughtfully.

"I don't remember" he said casually.

They were almost done with their lunch by the time.

"Then it's a deal, till I am here you will have your lunch with me, so that I can have a company and you can have your lunch on time; it's a win-win situation for both" she said excitedly.

he thought for a second 'I can spend some time with her and I won't be breaking my promise with her father'

"Okay then, deal" he said in a business like tone.

"Now you should have some rest, I am right here; if you need anything; just call me" with that he left to work in his office.

After so many years he had laughed whole heartedly, his heart has became just a pumping machine but now he felt something, now he felt calmer, safer and she already has started destroying the walls he has created around his heart; making her way back to his heart, to her thrown.

He got his rest in her, his peace in her smile.

The King's destiny #THE RAJPUT SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now