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Chapter 3
It was just another simple day again for Maya. Maya walked to History class and saw Lucas and Riley flirting with each other.

She rolled her eyes and saw that Lucas was sitting in her usual seat.

"Um what are you doing in my seat? Ranger Rick." She hissed.

"Oh I'm sorry I should have asked first but come on it's only for today" he said giving Maya the puppy eyes.

"Fine but ONLY for today." Maya walked to the desk behind Lucas which was Lucas desk and sat.

"Did your boyfriend take your seat to flirt with your best friend?" The kid behind Maya said.

"Excuse me? Ranger Rick is not my boyfriend neither do I want him to be. Anyways who are you?" She turned around to face him.

"They call me the rebel." He smirked.

"Well rebel you shouldn't be wasting my time by saying idiotic stuff." She turned around to face the teacher but she noticed how Lucas and Riley were being all lovey.

"I can see you're jealousy from a mile away." Rebel said.

"Shut it." She bit her lip and tried to ignore Rebel but mostly Riley and Lucas. As the bell rung. Riley walked up to Maya with a big smile on her face.
"You wouldn't believe what just happened!"

"What?" Maya questioned.

"Lucas asked me out.. I think he might be my soulmate." She said with a big smile.

"You think..? It's either a yes or no. It's not hard it says in your wrist if he is or not.." Maya grabbed Riley's wrists for the first time to see if Lucas name was on her wrist it was driving her crazy and she noticed it had a bandaged over it.

"Why did you put a bandage over you tattoo?" Maya said suspicious.

"Look I don't want to see who my soulmate is based off a name because what if I fall in love and I see my wrist and it's not that person..?" Riley said.

"Not to break your heart but you're not suppose to cover your wrist. Our wrist tells us who's our soulmate and who isn't remember? And it's better to know now if Lucas is your soulmate or not instead of later when you are in love with him." Maya said. Even though Maya knew that after your 20th birthday either you or your soulmate dies if you don't find eachother by then. Those were the rules around there.

"Maybe you're right but for now I'm keeping it on." Riley walked away and Lucas was waiting for her patiently at the door and they grabbed eachothers hand and walked away. Maya was about to walk out of class until she hears Rebels voice

"You okay?" "I'm always okay.." She turned around about to leave again.

"Hey Maya! Would you like to grab some coffee later?" He said. She turned to face Rebel

"Like as in a date?" She said with a smirked.

"Yeah, but I mean it doesn't have to be." He said hoping she'd say yes.

"I'd love to" she smiled really big.

She thought that maybe Rebel can be her soulmate she still doesn't know his real name and if she's lucky enough it could be him I mean why else would he ask her out if her name wasn't in his wrist? Only time will tell.

"Here's my number" Maya wrote her number on a piece of paper and handed it to Rebel and kissed his cheek and walked out of class. When she walked out of class she noticed her other wrist had the name 'Brandon' tattooed on it.. She's never seen it before until today which worried her. She had two different names on both of her wrist what could it mean?

Tattooed SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now