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Chapter 11
Maya 2 walked into the school and saw the hallways. What she saw was amazing in her point of view. She suddenly bumped into someone. She looked up and smiled. "Sorry Hart." Rebel said. "It's okay whatever your name is do you know where Lucas is?" She tried to ask him politely but she wasn't very nice. "He's probably in class already that reminds me we need to be in class right now." He said. "Awe is someone in a hurry to go to class?" She laughed and then kept looking at him. "Let me guess you're one of those good kids who doesn't like being late to class or anything such a bummer and here I thought you were some what cute." She said about to walk away. He grabbed her wrist.

"I'm called Rebel for a reason Hart. If you think I'm so good student and everything why don't you just ditch class with me?" He hoped she'd say yes he hated when people thought he wasn't a badass. "Fine but where are we even going to go?" She smirked. "Well I mean we can go smoking?" He knew Maya would say no to that. "Sure fine let's go." Maya 2 smiled she wasn't anything like Maya she wanted to try new things. Rebel was shocked by Maya's answer he never smoked before but I guess that would all change soon. Rebel and Maya left the school. Rebel paid his older cousin to buy him a pack of cigarettes. Maya 2 and Rebel went into Rebel's cousin car who loved smoking. He handed them both a cigarette and lit them both up. Rebel started smoking it. He honestly didn't like it but he kept going to show he was a badass to Maya. Unlike Rebel Maya 2 felt amazing when she was smoking her cigarette. "I guess I was some what wrong about you Rebel kid." She said as she continued to smoke her cigarette. "Thank you" He said. "I guess we should get back to school though as much as I enjoyed this" she said she got out of the car and so did Rebel and she grabbed Rebels hand. They both walked back to the school. They both smelled like cigarettes. Lucas saw Maya 2 in the hallways and smiled. "Hey Maya." As soon as Maya 2 saw Lucas she let go of Rebels hand. "Hey Lucas." She winked. She was assigned to go after Lucas because apparently he was Maya's original soulmate. Lucas could smell Rebel and Maya from where he was standing he raised an eyebrow and frowned "Why do you two smell like cigarettes?" Lucas said. Maya 2 and Rebel looked at each other and Maya 2 smiled. "No reason."

Meanwhile while Maya 2 was having fun Maya wasn't. The Doctors told Maya that if they can't fix her they'll put her into another world. She didn't understand what that meant but she knew she wouldn't see her friends again. The Doctor came in Maya's room and the Doctor injected Maya with something that made Maya sleepy. Before Maya could count to ten she blacked out.

35+ Comment for Chapter 12?
1. Do you think Maya 2 is starting to like Rebel?
2. Will Maya 2 be friends with Riley?
3. What do you think will happen to Maya?

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