New World

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Chapter 13
Maya woke up she could see the skies. She was laying down on the floor. She stood up and looked around. Everything seemed pretty much the same. Was she in the other world? She didn't know. She walked around and suddenly bumped to someone. "Ugh" she said. "Sorry" a black haired guy with beautiful eyes said. He was very attractive in Maya's opinion she smiled. "I'm sorry I've never seen you around here before are you new here?" He said not recognizing her he knew mostly everyone in this town and she definitely didn't seem to be from here in his opinion.

"Yeah I'm Maya" She bit her lip. She could notice how much muscles he had. "I'm Joshua. Nice to meet you Maya are you going to stay here long?" He looked at her from up and down. I guess you can say he was checking her out. He thought she was attractive. He hoped she'd stay here even if it was just for a little while. "Yeah I'm going to be here probably forever. I mean I don't have anywhere else to go" Maya faked smiled she remembered her old friends. She was going to miss her friends. He raised an eyebrow noticing she looked sad. "You can stay over my place?" "Really?" Maya was surprised he said that. He barely knew her why would he invite her to stay in his home if he didn't know her? "Yeah my parents are out in a business trip so it'd be nice to have some company." He smiled at her. He wanted to help her. She didn't seem like a bad person.

Joshua grabbed Maya's hand and he took Maya to his house. He let go of Maya's hand and got the keys off his pockets and opened the door. He smiled at Maya and She smiled back at him. Maya held his hand and she looked down. She followed him to his house. While they got in Joshua locked the door. Maya thought his house was pretty decent looking.

Joshua took Maya upstairs to his room. Maya let go of his hand. "Nice room let me guess it's yours?" She smirked looking around and then at him. "Yup, was it that noticeable?!" He said with sarcasm and then he laughed. "Sorry if you don't like it blondie. This is where you're going to sleep unless you want to sleep in my parents room?" He suggested he didn't want to pressure her. "No your room is perfect thanks." Maya hugged Joshua and he hugged back. They both pulled away from the hug. Joshua noticed that it was getting pretty late and Maya must've been tired. "I should let you go to sleep you know if you get bored I'll be right in the next room." He winked. Joshua knew he was flirting with Maya but who can blame him? She was beautiful. Maya laughed and threw a pillow at Joshua. "I'll be okay don't worry" "If you say so blondie" He smiled to himself and went to his parents room.

Meanwhile with Maya 2 she was about to go to her class and she saw Rebel. "Rebel wait up." As soon as Rebel heard Maya 2 voice he turned around and smiled. "Sup hart." He said. "Meet me at Starbucks today at 6 pm" Once Rebel heard those words he smiled he was happy he thought Maya was remembering since that's where they had their first date and kiss. Maya 2 smiled at herself. She had just invited Lucas at Starbucks at 6 pm today too. Maya 2 walked away knowing he'd be there.

It was 6 pm and Lucas had just gotten to Starbucks he was looking around to see if he saw Maya. But he saw no sign of her anywhere. Suddenly Rebel aka Brandon walked into Starbucks and also looked around for Maya. He saw Lucas. He walked up to him "Hey cowboy. Do you know where Maya is? She wanted to meet me up here." Lucas rolled his eyes he never liked Brandon. "No.. I was also looking for her. She also wanted to meet me here" They both knew something was wrong. Why would Maya invite them both? And then not even come?


30+ Comments for Chapter 14?
1. Who do you think Joshua really is?
2. What do you think is Maya's 2 plan?

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