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Chapter 17
Maya kept looking around she was completely lost. She saw a high school near by. Maybe if she went inside someone could help her get out. Maya walked towards the high school and went inside. She saw the hallways full of teenagers. She looked to he right and she saw a bunch of girls surrounding Joshua and flirting with him. She rolled her eyes. But realized she was in his school. She quickly went to her left side with out looking. She bumped into a girl. "Watch where you're going freshman" the girl walked away rudely. "What the heck..?" Maya said to herself.

Maya decided to just leave the school since she obviously wasn't going to get any help here. But suddenly the security guard of the school stepped in front of her. "Where do you think you're going miss?" Maya looked down. "I'm going home I don't even go to this school." She said trying to leave. But the security guard stopped her. "Well you're here. Aren't you? Get to class and stop trying to ditch." Maya just rolled her eyes the bell rung and everyone went to their class. Slowly all the girls who were surrounding Joshua left and he was all alone closing his locker. He seemed like he was going to class. Maya didn't know where to go. But she knew for sure to not get seen by him. She went upstairs and she saw a Geometry class and she walked in. "H-hi" she said. "Im sorry who are you young lady?" The teacher said. "I'm sorry I'm late I'm a new student uh..." she lied. "What's your name?" "My name is Maya, Maya Hart." Maya felt nervous everyone seemed to believe her. "Take a seat." Maya looked around for seat. And she saw an empty seat. She sat down and notice she sat next to the rude girl who bumped into her earlier. She noticed neither did the girl had a tattoo in her wrists. This was a weird world for Maya indeed.

A student walked in couple minutes after Maya. It was Joshua. 'Shit' Maya thought. "I'm sorry I'm late." He handed a late pass to the teacher and on the other side of the room. 'This is going to be hard to not get caught.'

Josh looked over the classroom which wasn't that big. He noticed a blonde girl. He's never seen her before. He couldn't see her face. The teacher had just told us to get partners for an activity. Joshua immediately started walking towards the blonde girl.

Maya noticed that he was walking over to her. So she immediately walked the other direction and grabbed some random persons wrist. It was a guy. "Hi I'm Maya you want to work together?" "Sure" He smiled and Maya smiled back she noticed Josh stopped walking over to her. She felt relived. She noticed he was going to work with the rude girl. She felt angry for some reason. She walked towards the teacher. But she got stopped by Joshua. "Now why is my girlfriend in my school? Did you miss me that much?" He smirked. Maya rolled her eyes. But then noticed he said girlfriend. "G-girlfriend?" She couldn't believe what he just had said. She didn't remember being his girlfriend unless she lost her memory again. "I'm kidding relax gorgeous." He held Maya's hand. "So really why are you here in my class? Are you going to start going to this school?" He said. He would love Maya to be in his school and all his classes.

"No.. Actually I was trying to leave.." She said looking down. "Where?" He sounded worried. "I was trying to go back home. But I got lost." She said. Joshua didn't understand why would she want to leave. "Why..? Is it because I kissed you..?" He didn't want Maya to leave. He felt like it was his fault Maya was going to leave. He thought Maya felt the same way he did. "That's not the reason why I'm leaving.." Maya looked into his eyes. She didn't want to say goodbye. Even though she barely knew Josh she was going to miss him a lot. Suddenly the rude girl walked over to Maya. "New girl why don't you leave Josh alone. Can't you tell he feels bad for you so he's talking to you. Go away" she laughed. Maya was ready to slap her but she decided not to. "I have to go."

Maya walked away from the classroom. Joshua followed her and grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry about my friend. She can be a bitch sometimes. But please don't go." Maya turned to see Josh and she hugged him. He hugged her back. Once Maya pulled away from the hug. Joshua leaned in and kissed her. Maya kissed him back. Then she pulled away. "I'm going to miss you.." She said. "This isn't good bye forever Maya." Maya looked down because she knew it actually was because this wasn't her world. Joshua looked down at her wrist. He noticed his name tattooed in her wrist. 'Joshua' He smiled to himself. He knew he was going to see Maya again. "Bye.." She kept looking down and she let go of Josh. "Bye beautiful.."

Maya 2 saw Brandon and she stopped him. "I'm sorry" she said. "Look, the reason I ditched you was because you're not my soulmate. Riley is your soulmate. I didn't want to lead you on.." Maya 2 lied. Well it wasn't a full lie. She decided to make everything good so Riley wouldn't threaten her. Brandon looked down. "Thank you for being honest with me." He said. Maya 2 kissed his cheek and walked away. She really hoped he wouldn't leave but if he did then she would have to deal with it.

She went to Lunch and saw Riley laughing and being all over Lucas. She rolled her eyes. Her original mission was to get Lucas and she was going to do that. She walked over to their table and smiled and sat down next to Lucas. "Hey Riles. Hey boyfriend." She kissed Lucas. Lucas kissed her back. Riley felt jealous. "B-boyfriend..?" Riley said looking at Lucas and then at Maya 2. "Yeah me and Lucas are dating now didn't he tell you?" Maya 2 lied not letting Lucas speak. Riley walked away from the table. She hated Maya 2 so much. First she makes Brandon want to leave the state now she's taking Lucas. "Why would you lie to her like that?" Lucas said. "Because we're going to make that tiny lie true. Plus you kissed me back so I believe you do want to go out with me." Maya 2 said with a smirked.

30+ Comments for Chapter 18?
1. Do you think Maya noticed her wrist says Joshua?
2. Why did you think Joshua smile when he saw her tattoo?
3. Do you think Brandon is going to leave now?

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