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Chapter 27
Maya left Joshua's house. She remembered that Lucas was still staying over at here. As soon as she left she saw Lucas in the middle of the streets looking around. Maya's eyes widen. "Lucas?!?" She screamed. Lucas saw Maya and he smiled and ran up to her. "Maya!! I was so worried I thought you were kidnapped." He hugged her. Maya hugged back and smiled. She thought it was cute that he was so worried about her.

"Don't worry I stayed over at-" she stopped noticing Lucas was rolling his eyes. "What's your problem..?" She said with an attitude. "You're always with that Josh kid.. why can't you give me a chance for once. First it was that Rebel kid and now this guy" Lucas didn't understand why Maya didn't feel the same way he felt towards her. "Look, cowboy I used to like you but you dated my best friend which by the way is her birthday today and we all left.. her alone.." Maya looked down realizing it was Riley's birthday.

Lucas felt bad for getting mad at Maya. Maya noticed Joshua getting out of his house he seemed strange. "Wait here a minute.." Maya said as she walked up to Joshua. "Where do you think you're going?" Maya said suspicious. "What are you my mom?" He rolled his eyes. That was the first time he'd ever gave an attitude towards Maya. "I'm sorry..?" Maya stood there looking at Joshua. "I don't get you, Maya. One moment you're here with me and I think for one second 'she might actually like me..' But then I see you with another and I notice how you look at them and act towards them.." Joshua wanted Maya. But he wasn't completely sure if she wanted the same.

Maya looked down. She slowly started to realize she's always acted like she's never had an interest in him. She slowly noticed his wrist. It had her name on it. She smiled to herself. Maybe it was a sign they were suppose to be together. Maya got closer to Joshua and smiled. "Friends...?" She said. "Friends.." He said looking down. He didn't want to be Maya's friend but if that's what she wanted then he was happy. Maya looked at his lips and gave him a quick peck on the lips. She winked at him and walked away and grabbed Lucas arm.

Joshua smiled. He had to move on from Maya. It was for the best. Tonight everything was going to change. He was going to move on or at least try to.

Riley was walking in the hallways. Everyone forgot her birthday except of course her parents. But other than that nobody remembered her birthday. Riley officially hated her life. Nobody seemed to like her. She noticed that right away once Lucas and Maya left and Brandon. Riley was looking down while she was at her locker. Suddenly Maya 2 walked up to her. "Aweee is someone about to cry because nobody remembered her birthday?" Maya 2 smiled. "Leave me alone." Riley rolled her eyes about to walk away from Maya 2. "You know why nobody remembered you birthday? Because nobody cares about you.." Maya 2 laughed and walked away.

This was it. This was the breaking point for Riley. She held onto the tears and walked the girls bathroom. All her tears streamed down her face. She walked to one of the stalls and looked for something in her book-bag. Something that could do permanent damage. She finally found what she was looking for. Today was the day Riley was going to..

45+ Comments for Chapter 28?

1. What do you think Riley's going to do?

2. How do you think Joshua will move on?

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