Maya 2

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Chapter 10
Maya woke up in a strange room. She was tied down to the bed. She looked around and saw she was in examination room. It's where they send who don't follow the rules for execution. She heard of the place she realized something bad was going to happen. She thought she was going to get executed. A Doctor walked in the room and smiled. "Hello Maya, I'm glad you finally woke up. You're probably wondering why you're here don't worry you're not going to be executed." As soon as Maya heard those words from the Doctor she felt relieved she didn't want to die. At least not today or anytime soon she hoped.

"Wait then why am I here?" Maya questioned she didn't understand why else she would be there. The Doctor started to untie Maya off the bed. "We want to know what's wrong with your soulmate tattoo. We want to know why and how you're changing soulmates." The Doctor said. Maya felt relieved again she sort of wanted to just get this soulmate thing over with she never liked it to begin with it made her feel weird. "What if you can't fix me?" Maya said worried. "Well I'm afraid I can't answer that." Maya didn't want anything bad to happen but she knew she had to obey what they wanted her to do. "In the mean time you'll be replaced. Come in Sarah!" The Doctor said.

A girl who looked exactly like Maya came in. "I'm here Doctor." She said. Maya got closer to her and couldn't believed what she was seeing. "Who are you? And why do you look exactly like me?" Maya said looking at her lookalike. "I'm you. But I'm a better version of you." Maya looked shocked from what the girl just had said. "Who is she?!" Maya said. "She's your replacement her name is Sarah but she's originally Maya 2 she's a clone of you but she will make better choices than you and she won't change her feelings every 2 seconds so her soulmates will probably stay the same." The Doctor smiled. "While you're here Sarah will be living your life." Maya couldn't believe what she just heard. A clone of her was going to live her life instead of her. A better version of her and nobody will know she's gone. "Don't worry I won't ruin your life. I'll make it better if anything oh and don't call me Sarah call me Maya from now but since we are the same person I'll let you call me Maya 2." Maya 2 said with a smile on her face. Maya 2 was excited to go out in the world and meet the original's Maya's friends she knew she was going to enjoy herself.

30+ Comments for Chapter 11?
1. Do you think Maya will get to live her life again any time soon?
2. Who do you think Maya 2 is going out for?

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