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Chapter 20

Maya woke up she was back in the middle of the streets. She was back to the other world. Maya smiled and walked to a hotel nearby. She decided to surprise Josh tomorrow at his school. Maya found a hotel 5 minutes away from Josh's school. She had some money left from her world. Maya smiled and as soon as she got her hotel room she quickly left to go to Joshua's school.

Maya went inside Joshua's high school and she saw him standing at his locker. Maya decided to go to early to Geometry class since that was where he was suppose to go next. As soon as Maya walks in the class everyone looks at her. "Maya Hart, care to explain why you weren't here the past two weeks." The teacher said. Maya looked down. "I was very sick." She lied. She quickly sat on her seat next to the rude girl. The girl turned to face Maya and she rolled her eyes. "New girl why don't you sit somewhere else Joshua sits there now." Maya got up and quickly sat all the way in the back.

It was 20 minutes into class and finally Josh came in the classroom. Maya smiled really hard but he didn't see her at all. Josh handed his late slip to the teacher and then walked to the desk next to the rude girl. Even though Maya was far away she could hear the conversation perfectly. "Hey babe." She said. "Hey Melissa." Josh responded he didn't seem into her at all even though she was practically all over him. Melissa saw Maya staring at them and she slowly leaned in and started kissing Josh before Josh could even pull away. Maya decided to hide and to make sure not to get seen by Joshua.

'I should've known he would've moved on by now' Maya thought. Maya slowly hid under the desk. She didn't want to see Josh kissing Melissa at all. It disgusted her. Josh slowly pulled away from the kiss. "Why'd you kiss me?" He said. "No reason" she smirked. "Today we're all switching seats so here are your new seats." Said the teacher. She called names after names. Until she finally called Maya's name. "Maya Hart. Right over there next to Joshua." Maya slowly got out of under the table and started to roll her eyes she walked over to her desk right next to Joshua.

Josh couldn't help but smile. Maya was back it was great news to him. "You're back?!" He said. "Sadly.." She said looking down. She slowly started regretting coming back to this world. Mostly after seeing Joshua kiss another girl. She thought that Joshua only used her and or already moved on. "What's wrong?" He said worried. "I don't want to talk to you." Maya wanted this class to be over. She didn't want to sit next to Joshua for the rest of the year. But she made a deal with Maya 2.. She couldn't come back to her own world. "Maya but I thought--"


35+ Comments for Chapter 21?


1. Do you think Maya should be jealous?

2. Do you think Maya should break her deal and go back to her own world and leave Joshua?

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