*Chapter Fifteen* {Haunted}

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"We should coordinate," Alvina says

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"We should coordinate," Alvina says. She's laying in between Jeremy's legs. Her hands rest on his chest and her chin rests on her hands, her eyes swarm with concentration. Although she's looking at Jeremy she's too far gone in her mind to really see him.

"Coordinate for what?" Jeremy asks. His head rests on his hands as his back lays on top of the covers on his bed. Quiet music plays from Alvina's phone. Discarded papers, their homework, litter the other side of the bed and the floor.

"Halloween, duh," Alvina says. Her eyes focus on his face. He raises an eyebrow at her.

"Babe, today is Halloween. Isn't it a little late to decide to coordinate?" He asks. She smirks at him. "Of course not" He mutters with a small grin.

"We have plenty of time before the party tonight. We'll look amazing" She tells him.

"Well, it'll be easier to get the costume if you make up your mind on what we should wear" He shrugs slightly. She pouts. Her eyes unfocus as she drifts back into her mind trying to come up with a great idea.

"I got it!" Alvina sits up suddenly. She sits back on her ankles and grins at Jeremy.

"Well?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"Let's go as Buzz Lightyear and Jessie from Toy Story!" She grins widely. "Please, please, please, let's do it" She pleads laying back down on his chest.

"Don't you think that's gonna be hard to pull off in a few hours?" He asks her.

"We can do it and after it's all over, I can tie you up with my lasso" She whispers kissing his neck. Jeremy moans softly, his hands gripping her waist. Jeremy flips them over and presses his lips on hers. She grins holding him close.

"Sounds like a plan to me, cowgirl" He winks at her. She grins and hugs him excitedly. She then pushes him off and jumps out of bed. She scrambles to put her clothes on.

"Well come on, spaceman we gotta go" She grins at him. He smiles and gets out of bed. He quickly gets dressed and lets her drag him out of the room. "We're gonna need colored paper, cardboard, scissors and duct tape" She lists. 

Jeremy didn't understand how she pulled it off but she did. Their costumes weren't completely perfect but the smile on Alvina's face made it so. She looks so excited to show everyone her accomplishment and all Jeremy can think about is getting her home so she can live up to her promise with that lasso. Why Alvina had a lasso escaped Jeremy, he had asked but she merely gave him a mischievous wink.

"We look hot" Alvina nods. Jeremy half agreed with her. She looked like a million dollars, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. Him, on the other hand, is another story. He is completely covered in duct tape, colored paper, and cardboard. Not the most comfortable thing in the world but it's obvious that it meant a lot to Alvina so he lived with it.

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