Chapter 12 - Truths Revealed

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The car come to a stop, and relief washes over me. I'm tired. The need for a proper shower, bed, and food almost brings me to tears. Hearing Tommy's footsteps, I smile. I'm finally getting out. His long strides have him opening the trunk quickly. Taking a deep breath of fresh air is satisfying.

"Come on," Tommy extends his hand, eagerly taking it. I climb out. The familiar salty smell in the breeze leads me to believe we are close to the beach.

"Where are we?" I question curiously.

"Santa Barbara," Tommy places his hand on my back, gesturing me to walk.

"Safe houses everywhere, huh?"

"Not exactly. This property is Raffaele's," lowering his head, he blows a breath, saying, "he bought this shortly after walking away from you. With the intent when he finally put that ring on your finger, this would be your home. Well, at least for the six months of the year, when we are in the States."

I halt my footsteps and take in the incredible mansion. It's breathtaking, secluded, on acres, and close to the beach. I can't hold back the tears pricking my eyes. The gesture is romantic. Of course, the Demon and Beast of a man would deny it.

"Are you going to cry about this?" Letting out an annoyed scoff, he hikes a brow, "What is it with women and the waterworks?"

"You don't understand, Tommy. I have wholeheartedly fallen in love with Raffaele," I wipe the tears. Since meeting Raffaele and having my son, I might be a bit more sensitive.

"I thought," I pause, shaking my head and taking a breath before continuing, "I thought he and all of you were all repulsed. Even my family, there was no other reason for you all to be that cruel."

His features soften instantly, and he signals me to come hither. Wrapping his arms around me, he squeezes me into a hug. A disheartened breath escapes him as he whispers into my ear, "We are a lot of unpleasant things, Mina, but we are not shallow, and you especially have earned the respect of all the Morelli men. My brother is in love with you too. You're the only person that Demon softens for."

Burying my face into his shoulder, I respond, "I tried so hard to hate you all."

"I know," he pulls me out of his chest, placing a comforting kiss on my forehead, clenching my hand, he leads me to the property. Shaking off the hurt, I glance at the gardens and landscape. I'm struck speechless they're graced with endless red rose bushes: terraced lawns, a melange of pools, ponds, and fountains. There are perfect views of the Montecito hills from behind the property and ocean views facing us. It's unbelievably beautiful.

"Wait here," Tommy orders as he runs around to the side of the house. My curiosity has me peeking, watching him flick on switches. Jogging back, he punches in a pin code to the front entrance. Pushing the thick, heavy wooden double doors open, he fills me in on the details, "This property hasn't yet been fitted with surveillance. We only installed the entry pads. The family members and Capos are the only ones who know about this property." Tommy assures me we are safe.

Walking into the long hallway, my jaw hangs open. There are white marble floors throughout the space. Beautiful square paneling decorates the walls. A curved staircase to my right that must lead to the bedrooms and low hanging light stand out as features.

"Bianca, Mia, along with your sisters and my mother, did all the interior design and planted the red roses outside. Raffaele wanted to surprise you," Tommy keeps on giving me glimpses of the past. I believed for a year and a half, none of them cared. I tortured myself for not fighting hard enough against Alonzo, convinced it was because of those events. How wrong was I?

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