Chapter 19

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I wake up in My room. Taehyung sitting at the foot of my bed.
Y/n- everything in me hurts. what happened?
Taehyung- we're not really sure, one moment you were fine the next you just dropped to the ground
Y/n- ugh my legs are cramping.
Tae- yeah I wouldn't get up just yet.
I don't take his advice and start to crawl out of bed anyways when I feel something wrapped around me, I pull my shirt up slightly to reveal a bandage wrapped around my stomach with faded red on it.
Y/n- what is this.
Tae- you started bleeding out of no where so once we got back Jin patched you up. We don't know why you started bleeding but it could be from the energy surge in you when you changed.
Y/n- ummm ok. Am I stable do I need to take anything?
Tae- no all that's left is a thin wound, you should be careful not to pull It though, it could open up.
Y/n- good to know, anything else?
Taehyung- nope, do you need anything?
Y/n- no I think I'm good
Taehyung- alright then I'll head out.
I get out of my bed and I head to my closet where I pick out a loose off white tshirt and some black leggings, I put my hair in a braid and head out, but this time I don't head downstairs. I go down the hall and next to the dance practice room there was a set of stairs. I head down the stairs and turn on the lights. There's punching bags, a wall of swords and other blades, and a shelf with all sorts of guns.
Y/n- whatever these guys do, it's certainly not just laying low and plotting against bad people. I say quietly
I walk over to the punching bag and next to it is a shelf with a couple rolls of hand wrap and a couple boxing gloves. I wrap myself up and start to hit the bag, hard. I didn't realize how much anger and power was built up until I finally let it out against this bag. I was so focused and caught up with the bag that I didn't even hear the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.
Do you need a sparring partner?
I turn around to find Jungkook in a full black outfit at the bottom of the stairs.
Y/n- I think I'm doing just fine.
Jk- are you sure? Because I think you would want to know how to go against a real human being.
Y/n- fine, but I've been training for a couple years.
This part was true in the cabin I shared with Tata we made a punching bag and we would spar with each other. After I left and started my new life I found a place to spar and practice.
Jk- I always enjoy a challenge
He taped up his hands and we went at it, he would swing and I would block and I would swing and he would dodge.
Jk- you know you're not bad but you are kinda predictable.
He swept my legs from under me and before I could react was already looming over me with his hand extended to help me up.
Y/n- nice moves
Jungkook- thanks, you wanna go grab a bite?
Y/n- oh, Jin already has food ready?
Jungkook- I get food from places other than here you know.
He says this with a grin on his face
Y/n- alright I'll come just give me a minute to get changed
Jk- alright same, meet me in the living room.
I go back to my room and change into a white shirt with a denim jacket and some ripped jeans I topped it off with some blue timberlands. I go downstairs to the living room and see jungkook with a white shirt, leather jacket, ripped jeans and brown timberlands. We look at each other in confusion.
Y/n- I like your style
Jk- same to you. Let's go.
We head out the front door and there's a couple cars parked out front we get into the black BMW. We start to pull out but we don't go the direction I did when I ran off, instead we went the exact opposite. After about 10 minutes we emerged from the woods onto a highway. I see Jungkook's phone in the cup holder and I pick it up.
Jungkook- what are you doing?
Y/n- you know you really should put passwords on your stuff.
Jk- put my phone down.
I ignore him and open Spotify, I find a summer days playlist and i play it. Without permission I open up the sun roof and put my hand through.
Y/n- now this is living
Jungkook- you're crazy
Y/n- oh I know.
There was something about how the sun hit him just right that made him look like a young boy.

And  I like it.

A/n- so I've given you a couple ships which one is your favorite?
I hope you like the story so far and I'm sorry if chapters take a bit more time to come out I'm trying to make them longer.

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