Chapter 1

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"Good morning," I greet, kissing my dad on the cheek as I grab the breakfast he made for me. He smiles at me, but I noticed it was more forced than usual.

Something is wrong.

But as usual, I respected his space and didn't interrogate him. He and I have this mutual understanding-for most things.

Well I try to anyway. He's always hiding one thing or another from me. I've gotten used to it now.

"Morning," he says as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

"After you eat, I have something to tell you," he speaks, a serious tone evident in his voice. I nod, eating the pancakes he made for me.

My stomach was churning out of nervousness. There was something unsettling about the tone in his voice that caused me to worry.

The last time he sounded like that was when mom died.

It's been 4 years. Four long, painful years after the car accident.

Somehow, dad was never the same again.

But neither was I.

He worked extra hours, and the first year I barely saw him. He just cooped up in his study and drowned himself in work.

Being head of the largest modeling agency isn't easy.

He and I have a..rocky relationship. But he's all I got now.

I reluctantly shoved the last piece of pancake in my mouth despite not having an appetite anymore.

I washed and dried the plate, placing it on the rack by the sink. Dad sat on the couch, silently inviting me to sit with him.

"Amber, I have always wanted only the best for you. So have faith in me and trust my decision," he spoke firmly, looking me in the eyes.

I hate how he's beating around the bush, but I nod hesitantly.

"Manuel and I have been talking for some time, and we have decided to overlap the music and model industry," he spoke.

Manuel Mendes. I don't even know why dad was best friends with the father of a singer. It didn't make sense to me, until now.

Manuel and my dad have always been the closest of friends, but his son and I don't get along much. We only met once, and that was not a pleasant experience.

I avoided him after that. I just didn't want to deal with his mess. I don't want to be involved with shit like that.

Although I don't like Manuel much (mainly because of his snobby son), I do know that he has helped dad get out of a rough state of mind, and for that I am thankful.

I don't know if dad has completely gotten out of that rough patch though. He still acts lost sometimes.

Distant from reality.

"Okay, that's great and all, but what does that have to do with me?" I ask, confused.

It's his company, he can do whatever he wants with it, why do I care?

"I signed a contract for 5 years. You will get married to Manuel's son Shawn so that the two sides can be merged."

I stood up abruptly. "I refuse to be married to that self-conceited, rude son of his," I shout.

He stands, unfazed, "There's no use refusing, it's already done."

"You practically sold me to someone I don't even know!! Do you know how many horrible things he's done? He's smoked weed, had a hundred girlfriends...He's not the perfect boy the media portrays him to be. How could you do that to me?" I spoke, feeling as though I could burst into flames.

"I know him. He's not all that bad as you make him out to be. Give him a chance, Amber. Besides, you're getting married to him, so might as well know him better," my father shrugs as if this didn't even bother him the slightest.

When did he become so cold?

"You think you know him? Just because Manuel told you about his son doesn't mean it's true. A father's judgement is often clouded, like right now," I hissed angrily. I knew it was a low blow, but he deserved it.

"I did this for you," he spoke, standing up to face me.

"This is about you, not me. Why would you sign a contract without asking me? Your only daughter?! Do you care about me at all? About what I want?" My shouting added fuel to the fire.

"You always say you want what's best for me, but I never get to make my own decisions! I'm 19 years old Dad. I don't want to get married now. Please, don't you want me to be happy?" My anger and turned into this sadness and realization.

"Pick a dress by tomorrow. The wedding is in 2 weeks," he spoke in monotone and walked out.

He doesn't care.

He was so caught up with the death of his wife that he didn't realize he had lost his only daughter.

Life Behind the Curtains: $old. (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now