Chapter 40

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Shawn P.O.V.

We met Oreo. He was the sweetest little puppy I have ever seen, but he was a little crazy. I immediately knew he would be part of the family. And Amber seemed to adore him.

She loves animals.

I find that adorable. I love animals too, but you should see the look on her face when she's around one. It's like everything is perfect in life. There's only one other time she smiles like that. 

When she's around me.

That makes me feel honored. Okay now I'm going off on a small little rant when I really should be focusing on the task at hand.

"Are you ready to discuss the reason for this meeting?" Amber's father asked. I nodded, and he gestured to his office.

I pulled Amber away from Aaliyah and told her that it was time. We'd finally get the reason for all of this and then my wife and I can go home.

I wish it had been simpler than that.


"We have come to a mutual agreement, and Christian has allowed me to become the co-owner of the Vance Modelling Agency," my father says.

Amber gapes at the news, her mouth hanging slightly ajar. Sigh. 

"Okay, good for you. Is that it?" I asked, irritated. How does that effect or benefit us in any way, shape or form?

"What's the rush son? We haven't even gotten to the best news yet," my father pressed, a smile twitching on his lips. It seemed innocent, but I knew it was far from that.

"And what is that?" Amber spoke up. Her father grinned, "You can forget about the baby thing. That idea takes too long. Do whatever you want with it, raise it, get an abortion, whatever. It doesn't really matter."

The asshole! He doesn't know how much pain we went through because of his decisions. I wanted to punch him. Repeatedly.

I balled my hands into fists, feeling on edge. 

"That's because Shawn's going to join the modeling agency. That way, as owners, both Manuel and I have complete control over your bank account."

What. The. Hell.

He wants me to become a model? A fucking model? After how hard I've worked to get to this point of my life as a singer, he wants to throw it all away?

For what, for me to prance around in my underwear? Just so he can look at how many zeroes are in my bank account? And for him to steal without earning a penny himself?

This is another level of shitty.

"What the hell?! No way I'm doing that! I am happy with my life right now, and I want it to stay this way. I don't want you in my life, sure as hell not you around to grab at my money whenever you want! Both of you are shitty parents!"

I tried to catch my breath. "Do you know how much pain we went through because of your stupid decisions? My wife had a fucking miscarriage! 

Yet all you care about is money! Money can't buy you happiness.

I don't know how many years it's going to take for you two to finally realize that. And by then, it'll be too late, because the damage has already been done!"

I turned to see how Amber was doing. I knew she wouldn't take this very well. She looked..heartbroken.

"You don't care about me. You never have," Amber shook her head, slowly approaching the desk in the corner of the room.

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