Chapter 42

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I had a hundred possible thoughts of who it could have been, but this was the last person on my mind.

My..father? With a bottle of whiskey?

How did he get past the media? Oh, good lord.

"Get in here, " I signalled, quickly shutting the door after he entered rather sluggishly. "What the hell dad? Why are you here so late," I checked the time. 10:24 pm.

"You are drunk out of your mind, " I take the bottle out of his hand with much required force.

What do I do with him? Why did he have to come here, of all places.

I grab my phone when it vibrates.

Hubby💍✨: Everything alright?
Who was at the door

Me: Fine
Just an..unexpected visitor

Hubby💍✨: If it's that Tyler guy I'm gonna bash his face into the wall
Who is it?
I'm coming over there

I laughed at his message, even though I really shouldn't have. Always the protector, my man.

Me: No, we're fine
I swear it's not him, I'm done with Tyler
This is a lil personal
I'll text u if I need anything

Hubby💍✨: Ru for real?

I sigh, putting the phone away. Time to deal with this mess in front of me.

"I'm sorry," he slurred, swaying slightly. Shit, he's gonna trip and fall. And what is he talking about?

"Here, sit," I guide him over to the white couch, hoping that he won't throw up on it. His gazes fixes on the glass door of the patio.

"Why are there clothes in the pool?" He pointed out, eyes slightly red from excessive drinking.

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that. I turned red at the embarrassment. Damn.

Was not expecting any visitors.

"For obvious reasons. Shawn and I were having sex," I say as blunt as possible.

He won't remember any of this tomorrow, so I might as well be honest.

"That's why you are so smiley," he unbuttoned his tailcoat, sliding it off and revealing his white dress shirt underneath.

I never understood why he always wore a suit. Must feel so uncomfortable.

"It's good to see you smile," he gives me a lopsided smile, "even if I'm not the reason you do."

The sweetness of his words quickly turned bitter.

"Why would you make me smile? After everything you do to me? Do you really think that what you do makes me happy?"

"I just did what I think is good for you," his slurring still clearly evident.

"How is stealing money from me helping me in any way?" I asked because I really am curious. He's just selfish.

All these years I had to take care of myself. And because of that, I got where I am today. Not because of him.

Sure, he made me become a model, but I learned to love it. It just took time.

"I don't really care about the money Alice." Alice. That nickname sparked a feeling of longing and stirred something deep inside of me. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

Life Behind the Curtains: $old. (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now