Starting Line

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"Start it, Asta sama!" Seryu exclaimed.

"Here we go!" Asta exclaimed.

"Tatsumi..." Chelsea uttered.

"Yes?" Tatsumi asked.

"Well... do you mind if... I can hang you out soon when we are going to be sent in Izuku's world?" Chelsea asked fast as flash.

"Oh. Yeah! I will! I'll make it the best of your dates with me!" Tatsumi said. Hearing this, Chelsea blushed madly and ran into her seat while squealing. This made Shelee and the others notice it.

'How did he knew that I wanna have a date with him?! Does it mean that... No way!!' Chelsea thought.

"I never knew that only Tatsumi can make Chelsea soft." Shelee whispered.

"Yeah. I thought she really is serious in her work and as an assassin in life but when she met him, everything has changed to her." Leone said.

"Hmph! I won't let her give Tatsumi's first date! I'll do my best!" Shelee said while raising her hand.

"Hahahaha! I knew you could do it!" Leone said while raising her a thumbs up.

'But I'll give his first date without you guys making a single step yet!' Leone thought.

"Are they... arguing about Tatsumi or what?" Mine asked.

"Is there any problem for that?" Esdeath asked.

"You know, it's our Tatsumi. Wait, what "our" Tatsumi?!" Mine asked.

"Ours? Who told you I'll let you spare some of my darling's life?!" Esdeath asked.

"Hah?! You wanna dare pick a fight with me?!" Mine asked.

"Yeah! You have the guts to fight me too, flat chest?!" Esdeath asked.

"Eeeeh?!" Mine angrily yelled.

"Hmmmmmm. Look at the women out there, doing a verbal catfight for a single innocent dog in here." Kizaru said.

"I see. Well, I guess he'll be doing a lot of extraneuos work soon with them." Saitama said.

"U.A. High School's hero course. A training school for those whose goal is to acquire the necessary qualifications needed for pro heroes. Among similar courses across the country, theirs is the most popular and most competitive, and their accceptance rate is less than one in three hundred every year.

The hero who refused a Nation Honor Award-- The number one her, All Might.

The hero who resolved the most incidents in history-- The Fiery Hero, Endeavor.

The winner of the Best Jeanist award eight years in a row-- Best Jeanist.

Graduating from U.A. is a requirement for becoming a great hero. And so, I also tackled the U.A. entrance exam. I will take... the first step toward my dream of becoming a hero!" Izuku narrated.

"Being in U.A. is also not only for being a hero but for the fame as well." Ogre said.

"That Endeavor guy, are those real flames that soaked around his body?!" Bols asked.

"Yes. He is more fiery than your imperial arms, Bols." Asta said.

"Amazing! I wanna meet him soon!" Bols exclaimed.

"Actually, Endeavor isn't a nice guy to deal with. In short, he is a living flamethrower in action and in talking." Saitama said.

"So, he is a strict one? I see." Run said.

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