Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!

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Everyone prepared themselves on the next episode. Tatsumi can be seen grabbing a big bag of popcorn and starts to eat it. Some girls slowly approached him like they were trying to kill someone. Tatsumi felt nervous while eating the popcorn. As his admirers tried to jump into him, Kizaru and Asta created a barrier for Tatsumi to prevent being jumped by his admirers.

"Ow, ow, ow! What's that for, Kizaru sama and Asta sama?!" Mine asked while holding her head in pain.

"Don't disturb his peaceful way of eating his popcorn, you know!" Asta said.

"Just give the boy a space to be free from you all." Kizaru said.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Hey Tatsumi, can I get some?" Leone asked.

"Me too, Tatsumi!" Shelee said.

"I will help you in eating all of those, Tatsumi!" Esdeath said.

"Can you feed me, Tatsumi?" Chelsea seducedly asked while doing an ahegao face.

"Someone help me...!" Tatsumi uttered under his breath.

"Hey, you! How are All Might's classes?" One reporter asked on Izuku who is about to enter into U.A.

"Uh, excuse me, I have to go to the nurse's office!" Izuku nervously said while moving away.

"Will you tell us about what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?" The reporter asked on Uraraka.

"Wh-What he's like? Um... He's very muscular!" Uraraka replied with a lame one.

"What is going on?!" Lubbock asked.

"Who are these people with huge lolipops in their hands?" Bols asked.

"They are called reporters, and what they point into their mouth is what they call a microphone. Jeez, people in the medieval era." Kizaru sighed.

"What are they doing? Why are they always asking about All Might as their teacher?" Bulat asked.

"Because they wanna know more about him but as a teacher in U.A. He is already known as a hero but as a teacher, that is a different story." Saitama said.

"People nowadays really want to mess someone's life just for their own good." Chelsea said.

"What do yoy think of All Might as a teacher?" The reporter asked on Iida.

"He made me recognize anew that I attend an educational institution that is best of the best. Of course, his dignity and character go without saying, but we srudents are constantly able to see his humorous side.

It is a unique opportunity to learn about being a top hero directly from one." Iida replied, making the reporters got tired from his words.

"Well, they got the answers they want." Shelee said.

"But not in that prospective." Esdeath said.

"Excuse me! Can you tell me about All Migh-- Oh? You're the one who was caught by the sludge villain..." The reporter said on Katsuki.

"Stop it!" Katsuki said.

"Um, about All Might... Wow, you're scruffy... What's your deal?" The reporter asked on Aizawa.

"He's not on duty today. You are distutbing thr classes. Please leave." Aizawa said as he leaves the crowd of reporters.

"I would like to speak directly with All Might--"

"I feel like I've seen him before... "

"Don't you think you're too scruffy?"

'I can't believe All Might was able to work as a hero with all this.' Aizawa thought.

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